Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
10 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Holy F***! That version of the song is scary on it's own!

Scary? From how you hit the laugh button on that post, I though you found it funny.

Seeing the Brigands in full retreat, Brutrumukk began to laugh cruelly at their cowardice. As the rabbits ran, the bugbear began to stalk forward. As he advanced, Brutrumukk drew a Javelin and sang a murderous mockery of the ballad the Brigands had been singing when they arrived.

"I'll skin you alive, from tail to 'ead;

I'll spill yer guts before yer dead.

Then I'll eat yer flesh without a care

Fer I do so love roasted 'are—

A treat so glorious, for the victorious,

Rabbit meat is truly meritorious!

By the stench o' death, you'll know I'm comin';

Say yer prayers, there's no use runnin'.

Quick as a bolt, me jav goes sailin',

Pleadin', beggin', you'll die wailin'.

You'll shriek, you'll scream, you'll cry, you'll groan;

Thanks to me, Brutrumukk, Spirit o' the Snorin' Stone!

When he reached the part of the song that mentioned his javelin, Brutrumukk hurled it towards the ankle of the rabbit that was trying to drag Jebbek away. As much as the bugbear feared Skiggaret and the madness he brought, Brutrumukk had always been secretly grateful for the lessons he learned when under Skiggaret's sway. Helping the wounded when an enemy you had no hope of defeating was chasing you never ends well for the fools who stopped to do so. And a certain benevolent bunny was about to learn that the hard way.


Woah! Okay....!

Dat Damage!

Unless you roll low. Then initiative is agony.
xD Imagine our same characters after Witchlight is over coming across another carnival and being like "OH NO NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN"

"Oh shit. 'Ere we go again." *Walks towards bicycle*
After flicking through Van Richten's Guide, I'd personally prefer an adventure in one of the other Domains of Dread.

You're really out for blood, aren't you!

Yes, yes I am.

...That, and Wizards making this difference between PC and NPC bugbears just never really made sense to me.
Bugbears also have extra 5 feet of reach on their turns. So it doesn’t matter.

Actually I swapped Long-Limbed for Brute at character creation, so Brutrumukk does not in fact have five feet of extra reach.
She is actually 35 feet away. The triangle tool is a measuring tool that can help you figure out how far everything is. ^^"

The square directly in front of her is only 30 feet away though.
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