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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
10 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Everyone can see the map, correct? ^^"

Standing within 30 feet of Brutrumukk was a terrible mistake on Jebbek's part.
So I'm guessing this just isn't happening huh?

Be patient. Some things just need more time than others.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Cascade is now inspired.

Brutrumukk's simple reply was to let loose a terrifying roar.

Aura has not told the group that she is more or less on the run from someone BTW. She keeps that to herself.

Speaking of which, Aura is now inspired.

"Alley corn is eunuch corn what can fly?" Brutrumukk asked in confusion in response to Gabriel's words. "Huh... Corn sure is weird." With that said, Brutrumukk moved to the edge of the bridge and looked down at the hundred foot drop separating them from the ground. Despite how high up they were, there were various hand and footholds and sturdy looking mushrooms that would make getting down easy enough. "I reckon I just found us a way down from this bridge." Brutrumukk informed the others. "If that's the way we wanna be 'eadin, that is."
@Dark Cloud

I'm afraid so.
@XxFellsingxX @LostDestiny
The aasimar was looking pretty darn sheepish by the time Flicker and Aura were done talking. "Oh my. How embarrassing. I most sincerely apologize to you both." The aasimar said before addressing Flicker's inquiry. "But to answer your question, blessed of Corellon, yes this is actually pretty normal for me. I am a seer, you see, and my gift manifests mostly when I am sleeping. During these manifestations I am subconsciously driven to seek out specific bystanders and pose three riddles to them. For each of the three riddles they answer correctly, my gift rewards this cleverness with insights into where they stand in the grander scheme of things... Once more, I truly am sorry for any bother I've caused you. I'll get out of your hair now."

With that said the aasimar walked away, but paused after a few steps. "One more thing, actually." He said as he turned back to Aura and Flicker. "You're looking for someone, yes? If so, go to the feasting tent, there's a good chance you'll find who you are looking for there." And with that, the aasimar left.

"The Royal Guard 'ave axes like this?" The orc asked. "Oof, I pity them. What with them 'avin to watch King Tadmund's back all day every day, they must be surrounded by snobby nobs constantly insistin' that their axes are actually birds." The orc shuddered at the thought before gesturing that he'd like his halberd back. Should Rala return the halberd, the orc grins and gives her a thankful nod. "Thanks fer straightenin' things out fer me." The orc would then say as he puts the halberd back into his bag. "If you like the beer in that jug, you'll find more of it in the feastin' tent."

@Lurking Krog @Cao the Exiled
As Plasm gazed upon the performance with her Eldritch Sight, she would see that each of the puppets are under the effects of a transmutation spell being cast by the bard, who shifted the tone of the music he was playing to a tense battle tune at the Jørmund puppet and the Haraldr puppet engaged in a climactic duel as the bard continued to narrate.

"Although it did seem to everyone around him that he was unarmed, Jørmund would prove to be anything but as he wielded divine power against his foe! Despite this however, the great and terrible might of Haraldr left the two evenly matched. Their duel came to an intense deadlock that lasted almost twice as long as the battle that came before. But eventually, as the sun began to set, Jørmund and Haraldr knew that their battle was almost at an end!"

The Jørmund puppet and the Haraldr puppet ceased their fighting for a moment and stared each other down. The Jørmund puppet looking rather worn out, and the Haraldr puppet looking rather arrogant and assured of his impending victory.

"Jørmund was tiring from both the battle and the duel, but Haraldr still had strength to spare. It seemed for a moment that victory would go to the dread raider... However, this assumption made Haraldr cocky. He cast down his shield and held his longsword with both hands, looking to take Jørmund's head off with one final fell blow. It was this act of hubris, this simple discarding of defense in favor of extra striking power that gave Jørmund the opening he needed. With mighty battle cries on their lips, Jørmund and Haraldr charged! Haraldr swung for Jørmund's neck, but Jørmund ducked beneath the blade at the last moment! Haraldr only had a moment to realize what tossing away his shield had cost him before Jørmund's fist came crashing into his nose!"

The Jørmund puppet punched the Haraldr puppet in the nose, causing the Haraldr puppet to fall to the ground, his nose now pressed flat against his face. At the sight of this, all the raider puppets then ran away and all the militia puppets began celebrating.

"Seeing their leader fall, the raiders broke and ran. At the sight of this, the brave souls who had joined Jørmund in his quest burst into joyous celebration! Victory was theirs! With their home saved and Haraldr defeated, Jørmund's militia carried him home on their shoulders. As for Haraldr, who had survived Jørmund's finishing blow, came back to consciousness several hours later. Alone."

The Haraldr puppet was shown slowly standing up a few moments after all the other puppets had left, before also making his own way away off the stage that the puppet show took place on.

"From that day forward, Jørmund became known as Jørmund Hammer Fist in honor of vanquishing his foe that day barehanded. And when not even magical healing could restore his nose to its original shape after being flattened by Jørmund's strike, Haraldr became known as Haraldr Flat Nose. I would advise against calling him that to his face though. Of the few bold enough to do so, none have lived to tell the tale."

With that said, the bard's story ended and the audience cheered as he took a bow. Once the applause died down, people from the audience began heading off in various directions.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
"You're very welcome. I too found it fun." Leaves on the Breeze called after Cascade as she took her leave. "Should you ever wish to rhyme again, you know where to come!"

As Cascade searched for something else to do about the campsite, she would be stopped by a highwayman she had made the acquaintance of during her time among them. "Hey Cas! Remember how you said you were lookin' for Jørmund Hammer Fist?" The highwayman said. "Well he's here! I saw him headin' on over to the feastin' tent. If you hurry, you should be able to find him there."
@Guardian Angel Haruki

How high up is the bridge?
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