Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
10 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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"Why, is that an-...Mm, quick math..- up-to-1,200-pound-supporting raft? Where in the nine hells did you find one of those?" Zavakri asked.

"Found it stuck in the mud." Brutrumukk replied.

"Blimey, you're just carryin' it, ain't you? Built different, you bugbear folk." Zavakri continued in wonder.

"Yeah, we are, ain't we?" Brutrumukk said pridefully as he flexed his free arm. "Mag didn't come lookin' fer Hruggek and Grankhul fer no reason, y'know."

"As for where we're going... I say we leave that up to Gabe." Zavakri went on to say. "Bloke says he has a feeling about this place, and I haven't the foggiest; if we're going blind, I say follow the man's gut. Point a direction and off we march, Sirrah!"

"Yeah, that sounds like a good i-" Brutrumukk got as far as saying before noticing the giant snail's presence. "Uh... 'Ow come the snail's still 'ere?" Brutrumukk asked. "Weren't it on the rabbits' side?"

You reckon it wouldn't take much to sway Cascade to the cause of evil?

The orc paused and looked back at Rala when she called out to him. At the mention of Nanna May's name, it becomes clear to Rala by the orc's reaction that he's heard of her. "You've met Ms. Midnight, eh?" The orc asked. "Well you needn't worry 'bout me. She an' 'er lot are more in the business o' findin' good folk an' turnin' 'em to evil, so I ain't really the sort they'd go fer. Either way, thanks fer the 'eads up. Very considerate of ya."

As Rala then passes the orc on the way to the feasting tent, she notices various tattoos and tribal markings on the orc's body. With what she knows of orcish history, Rala realizes that the orc she had just spoken to was in fact part of an orc tribe. She wasn't sure which tribe he was a part of, but from how well decorated he was, Rala could determine that he was a good distance up the totem pole from the average rank and file orc.

Nice throw!

Now I'll be needing a History check.

Could you roll an Insight check please?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Brutrumukk technically already sort of has a patron. What with the commoners who live near the Snoring Stone leaving him offerings to look out for them and take care of their problems and all.
Apologies, holiday weekend kicking my ass. Meant to catch up earlier. Working on it still, likely can't post till after the 4th.

Here's the short version:

• After having their asses kicked by magic, the rabbits decided to run, leaving the snail behind when it wouldn't flee with them.
• Brutrumukk went after them. Jub and Tsak tried to stop him, but failed. Jub went after Brutrumukk and Tsak flew off into the sky to mope about being swatted like a fly.
• The rabbits escaped, causing Brutrumukk to become sad until Jub cheered him up.
• While the goblinoids are gone Aurora asks Gabriel what he lost. He reveals that he lost a set of dice.
• The goblinoids find a raft in the mud, pull it out, and return with it.
• Brutrumukk then asks the party what they're going to do now.

"Sadly, the rabbits all slipped away in the fog." Brutrumukk added. "But we'll be ready fer 'em next time. Jus' you wait an' see!" Having said that, Brutrumukk looked about him before posing a question to the group. "So, uh... anyone got any ideas as to what we should do now? Should we stay put? Should we go lookin' about? Which way should we go if we go lookin' about?"
O great council, where can I find a hat befitting a llama? I must go on a quest to stop the resistance at all costs!

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The Council has determined that a hat befitting a llama can be found by seeking out the FilmCow in the lands of YouTube.

Only there could a hat worthy of the fated llama be found.

The Council has spoken.
What fate awaits me, great and all-seeing counsel?

༼ ºل͟º ༼ ºل͟º ༼ ºل͟º ༽ ºل͟º ༽ ºل͟º ༽

The Council has decided your fate.

In time, you will become better with computers.

The Council has spoken.

I defy the council and all it stand for.




༼ ºل͟º ༼ ºل͟º ༼ ºل͟º ༽ ºل͟º ༽ ºل͟º ༽

The Council has made a note of your defiance.

The Council has decided your fate.

Though your resistance may succeed for a time, it will collapse when two llamas come to the area on vacation and one of them starts pushing people into a giant fan, including the resistance leader when he tries to stop the llama from pushing other people into a giant fan.

The Council has spoken.
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