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Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
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It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
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Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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I know, I'm sorry. It's just I'm genuinely a little stumped trying to think of the opportunity Skobeloff has given his allies ^^;

If you're open to suggestions how about this: The magical properties of the powdered gemstones that make up the sand, which were once in fact friendship gems, can let a dragon return a friendship gem to teleport to the dragon they are returning the friendship gem to.

About the Trickster move, I assumed it meant that you'd be able to turn your own failures into opportunities, by revealing how you failed on purpose/as part of your plan. Like "A-ha! I stumbled on purpose, and by doing so I got their wallet!" or "What you didn't know is that when I misspoke earlier? I did it on purpose so they'd underestimate me and think I'm a fool!" or "I angered the big bad - not by accident as you thought, but to draw its ire towards me and give you a chance to counter attack!" or something. Others' failures are a little more difficult to turn into opportunities or weave into your own plans, I think.

Difficult. Not impossible.
- you’ve created an opportunity; the DM will tell you how you or an ally can claim it.

*Quiet yet audible coughing noises*
@LostDestiny @XxFellsingxX @Lurking Krog @Birdboy @Guardian Angel Haruki

Hey all. Things seem to be slowing down in the IC section. Would you like me to move things on to the main event of the chapter or would any of you like a little more time to do or say something in this scene first?
It also means the best dragon at misleading and tricking others is also Shieldwing xD

Actually, I took A Tongue Of Silver when I made Skobeloff which lets him use Charm to mislead rather than Cunning.
OMG Rush xD

Well someone had to say it.

I'm not sure if this is exactly how this move is supposed to be utilized - like I don't know if it can be your allies' failures or it can only be your own - but I'll allow it 'cause it's fun.

All according to plan. >: 3

Also, according to the move description, it's up to you to decide what opportunity Skobeloff has created.

Liking Skobeloff so far. He really is living up to be a trickster xD

I'm glad you think so.

Skobeloff looked on in fascination as Garrock began fussing over Shieldwing despite saying that he didn't care if they were injured. The sight brought to mind a word the fox-like fairies that taught him how to be a Trickster used to describe someone who externally appeared harsh and irritable but on the inside was much more caring than they appeared. 'Soon-deer' they called it... Or perhaps it was 'sunder-ray'... Skobeloff actually had a somewhat difficult time remembering anything about his fairy mentors other than the lessons in trickery they taught him.

One of those lessons had been brought to the forefront of Skobeloff's thinking as he noticed that the crystalline sand had changed color where Shieldwing had crash landed. Moving to examine the sand, Skobeloff realized that the gemstones that made up this sand possessed magical properties that would be quite beneficial to them. It was just as his teachers always said. 'Failure now can mean success latter.' And with the help of Shieldwing's failure at landing now, Skobeloff had found something that would increase their chances of successfully completing the mission later.

Nothing escapes my omniscient gaze!
- If the leader has no darkness marked, add 1.
- If the leader has three or more darkness marked, subtract 1.

Out of curiosity, how exactly darkness affect someone's ability to successfully navigate the wilderness?

"Guys! This is my home! Welcome, welcome! Sorry, there isn't any red carpet to roll out for you," Skobeloff heard Stargaze say as she touched down on her home island.

"I'm not bothered. Carpets have never really felt all that pleasant under my feet anyway." Skobeloff said before looking over at the hermit shrail that had begun snapping at them. "Well that's a curious looking Beast."

"Oh! Watch out for that one. Once it's claws catches you, it won't let go!" Stargaze warned.

"Duly noted." Skobeloff confirmed before snickering lightly as Shieldwing crash landed in front of the hermit shrail and Fellwing snarked about Shieldwing's boast.

"Your home is beautiful, Stargaze." Fellwing then said. "But do tell, is there... anything else than the crabs here we should be wary of?"

"I have this weird hunch that you might already know the answer to that question, Fellwing." Skobeloff commented to the Seer.
Aaaand now I'm off to a great start.

Shieldwing: Gets on Garrock's good side by being the funniest epic fail compilation he's seen in weeks.
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