Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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The evening continues on in a relatively enjoyable fashion. Food is eaten, drink is drunk, and good times are had by all. As evening turns to night you all head on over to the quieter areas of the campsite to find some beds and get some rest. While Plasm retires straight away, the rest of you gather about a campfire near the edge of the campsite. A quartet of highwayman archers - a pair of human twins named Archer and Bowman, a half-elf called Marcus, and a minotaur known simply as Bull - join you soon after. You and the highwaymen trade stories and sing songs around the fire for a time. Just as you're all starting to think about heading off to bed though, you stop and turn towards a highwayman in a nearby watchtower calling out into the forest he was surveying. "Oi! Who's out there?!"

A reply to the watcher's words came in the form of flaming crossbolts flying out of the trees. Three strike the watcher sending him tumbling off the tower and down to the ground below. The rest strike the tower itself or the wagons behind the tower, setting them ablaze to varying degrees of severity. A few seconds later, another volley of crossbolts sails towards the campfire, forcing you to take cover behind the wagons.

"There's an alarm bell on the top of the watchtower!" Marcus called out. "If someone can get up there and ring it, the whole camp will come running!"

"Hey look!" Archer called out. "Paxton's still moving." Sure enough, anyone who could see the watcher would also be able to see him writhing in pain.

"He's still alive!" Bowman exclaimed. "But that might not be the case for long unless a healer can get to hi-"

"HEADS DOWN!" Bull shouted as another volley of crossbolts flew from the forest. "If you have a bow, start shooting into the trees! If you don't have a bow, head for the tower! We'll cover you!"


As Shieldwing voiced his objections to Skobeloff's idea, the young Trickster smiled that same smile he always had on his face when he was playing the Long Game. "You needn't worry about me." Skobeloff said. "I have this." Skobeloff then picked up some of the gem sand and showed it to the others. "There's useful magic in this sand. With it, I'll be able to teleport myself to Stargaze's location when I am done investigating the stronghold or if I encounter something I cannot overcome alone."
No problem.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Alrighty then. As Cascade is working on this scabbard, she will feel the eyes of Deep Sashelass fall upon her. Cascade will sense his approval of her efforts to bring heroes to the defense of Zephyr and she will sense him channeling a fragment of his divinity into her tools, allowing her to create one instance of the magic item described below.

So that’s a +2, and do I include STR mod? DEX? INT? ^^”
Or would it just be the proficiency bonus?

It would just be the proficiency bonus.
Would I need to roll anything for Cascade to come up with a cool feature for the scabbard that could give Rala some sort of advantage when fighting with the weapon that’s going to be sheathed in said scabbard? (I can’t remember if the weapon was a dagger or sword. ^^”)

That would be a roll with Cascade's carpenter's tools proficiency.
Alrighty then. I'll get to work on that tomorrow.

In the mean time, if any of your characters are drunk, know that you now have advantage on saves against being frightened, disadvantage on saves against being charmed, and access to the barbarian's reckless attack feature.

These effects last until you finish a long rest.

With Garrock's comment, Skobeloff sensed a golden opportunity to show the older dragon that he could handle himself without the help of his clutchmates. "I can go check out the stronghold." Skobeloff suggested. "I'll go scope out the situation over there, then come find you at Echo's place and let you know how things are looking."
Yeah, this game sure loves to keep my guessing.

Seriously Epyllion, you can't just use the phrase "consume a piece of the darkness" without explaining what the heck that means xP

Epyllion: *had a whole section dedicated to The Wilderness that warns about how dangerous it is*
Also Epyllion: *has no move or rules for traveling said Wilderness, forcing me to make one up*

Perhaps Epyllion was written by a Trickster.
as per its wording.

The wording says the move makes use of "an earlier failure". It says nothing about whose failure that is.
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