Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Here's my guy.

@Digizel @Guardian Angel Haruki

Orbital Boop Cannon charging sequence initiated...
Are we just waiting on Dark Cloud?

I'm waiting on Haruki.
Oh I forgot we were using inspiration.

It's not too late to use it on that save if you want. Inspiration isn't used all that often, so forgetting it when it is used is completely understandable.

@rush99999 Would an 11 make it? ^^"

The DC is 11. You made it by a hair.
Dexterity Save...@rush99999 Do I get advantage from Marine Layer? :3

I'm afraid not. The archers aren't aiming specifically at Cascade, they're firing to fill as much space with crossbolts as they can. So it's more a question of if Cas is dexterous enough to slip into the spaces where they can't put crossbolts. If you want advantage though, I believe Cascade has Inspiration.

Skobeloff listened carefully to the words of the clutch's Seer. Especially when Fellwing spoke to him specifically. The name Pleexem didn't ring any bells to Skobeloff, but the name Tamba certainly did. Tamba was an Academic in House Myndoth who Skobeloff occasionally visited whenever he needed the knowledge of someone well versed in the pages of Lung-Kwan’s Famous Dragons and What They Did to assist in his Trickster business. Knowing that she was mixed up in this was something Skobeloff found quite concerning.

As Fellwing turned away from him to speak with Shieldwing, Skobeloff cast his gaze to the ground as he considered his options. Fellwing would be helpful at the Stronghold no doubt, but that help would not come without hindrance. If he took Fellwing with him, his plans of demonstrating self-reliance to Garrock would be compromised. And Skobeloff simply could not have that.

Once Fellwing was done talking, Skobeloff smiled, nodded in appreciation of his cluchmate's abilities, and then summoned up his charm and spoke. "Nicely done, Fellwing. These insights you have stolen from the Shadows already prove themselves quite useful." Skobeloff said. "However, I must ask that you stay with the others. I'll be fine on my own. I have a lifeline after all." Skobeloff gestured to the gem sand he was holding. "I'll be back before you know it, Fellwing. In the meantime, I need you to keep an eye on everyone else while I'm gone. Do you reckon you can do that for me, my friend?"


Do NPCs have playbooks or is that only PCs? If NPCs have playbooks, which one does Tamba have?
So the tower is 60 feet away...

How many feet of movement would it take to get to the top of the tower/the bell? And would ringing the bell be a free action, or would it take a regular/bonus action?

It is indeed.

The tower is 30 feet tall, so climbing it would require another 60 feet of movement. Ringing the bell is then a free object interaction.
Despite being unable to avoid the oncoming crossbolts, only one actually landed and even then it didn't strike anything vital.

Invigorated by Jørmund's Healing Word, Paxton jumped to his feet and drew a scimitar. "I can handle this guy." Paxton then said said to Flicker. "Get to the bell. I'll keep him off you."

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