Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

...Would that make Jub...

*lowers sunglasses*

...A Dice Goblin? XD


"Well if it's the second thing, I 'ope I'm there to see the wallop when it 'appens. Sounds like it'd be fun to watch." Brutrumukk said when Sir Talavar was done talking. "Either way, we've been sittin' around fer about an hour now. I'd say it's time we got movin'." With that said, Brutrumukk finished his meal and began to tidy away his things in preparation for the journey to Telemy Hill. "You said some goblin what lives on some 'ill can open yer cage, yeah?" Brutrumukk said to Sir Talavar as he worked. "What makes you so sure she can, does she work for the 'ags as some sort o' magical cage maker or somethin' like that?"
In other news, I found a really cool song that I can't help but put on repeat. It's a lot of fun to listen to,

Feywild casinos in a nutshell.
@Vertigo @Digizel

Orbital Boop Cannon fully charged. Locking onto target...

Target locked. Firing sequence initiated. Orbital Boop Cannon firing in five.. four... three... two... one...

Shit, now I have to come up with something to do on my action. I'll probably just shoot an arrow or something

Sorry about that. If it's any consolation though, you still have that inspiration you got from going for Cascade over Paxton.
@LostDestiny @Guardian Angel Haruki @Birdboy @Lurking Krog @XxFellsingxX
Good news, everyone! I have just discovered that the map is still there! Furthermore, after updating the map to match what has happened, I've discovered that only Paxton and the Attackers were caught in the fireball. The watchtower has still collapsed, Flicker was still hurt in the fall, and Paxton is still unconscious; but all PCs are still in the fight and Jørmund and Cascade took no damage from the fireball.

@Birdboy @LostDestiny
I have updated my last IC post to reflect the situation. Feel free to do likewise if you so desire.

"Past tense: a use of language denoting that something happened at an earlier point of time," Jub explained.

"Yeah, I know that bit." Brutrumukk said while making a 'get on with it' motion with one hand. "But why didn't you like the tiny dragon usin' it jus' now?"

"Basically, he's implying that while this Zybilna would have been okay with us foraging and hunting in her lands, this Hourglass Coven likely won't." Jub finished.

"Oh." Brutrumukk said thoughtfully. "Well seein' 'ow we jus' killed two snakes, ate one of 'em, an' no magical shenanigans 'ave turned up to get us back fer that, I think we're fine on that front... 'Ang on." Brutrumukk then turned to Sir Talavar and asked a question. "If these 'ags stole this place from this Sip-Ill-Nah lady you mentioned, why 'aven't the magical shenanigans come after the 'ags?"

Brutrumukk listened to Sir Talavar as the faerie dragon answered the question. Just as the bugbear drew breath to ask another question though, Jub began choking on his food. "Oi. Oi! Don't you go chokin' to death on my food. I know I ain't the best at cookin' but I also know I ain't that bad at it." Brutrumukk said as he moved over to Jub and gave the goblin a few firm pats on the back to help dislodge the snake chunk.

"Sorry, sorry, I just... really didn't like your use of past tense just now," Jub told Talavar once the blockage was clear.

"What d'you mean by that?" Brutrumukk asked.
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