Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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"So you want me to go after the 'ag runnin' this place?" Brutrumukk said in response to the Wisps' offer. "Let's 'ear what the boon yer offerin' is before I agree to anythin'. I wanna be sure what yer gonna gimme will make this job worth the danger."

"Of course 'e's still alive." Brutrumukk scoffed in response to Aurora mentioning that the Bunny Bandits had been singing about Agdon Longscarf questioning if he was even still alive. "I 'aven't killed 'im yet."

"Eh, it ain't like gettin' that key's gonna take all that much time." Brutrumukk said to Jub with a dismissive wave of his hand. "We can get that done an' then 'ead off to go get Agdon's 'ead." Brutrumukk then looked back at the Wisps. "So what say you lot?" The bugbear asked. "You reckon yer willin' to swap silver fer blood?"

"Oh come on!" Brutrumukk exclaimed in frustration as the Will-O'-Wisps appeared around them. After a moment though, Brutrumukk took a breath and spoke again. "Alright then. A trade. Sure." Brutrumukk said as his experience in getting things without using violence on the owner kicked in. "You said you don't like this Agdon guy, yeah? Well if you gimme the silver things, I'll go kill 'im fer ya. Then you lot can sleep a little easier at night knowing that 'im an' 'is won't be about to steal the rest o' yer stuff. That sound good to you?"

"Returnin' 'em!?" Brutrumukk repeated with a look of disgusted incredulity on his face. After a moment though, Brutrumukk's expression then turned thoughtful for a time, before an approving grin finally settled on his features and he nodded at Aurora's words. "Yeah... Yeaaah. Returnin' 'em. Of course. Of cooourse" Brutrumukk agreed eagerly. "We will take the things up there with us, an' I will 'old onto 'em until we find their rightful owners. At which point, I will most gray-shoes-lee return the things to the owners of the things." Brutrumukk then looked up at Jub once more. "You 'ear that, booyagh!? We'll takin' the stuff with us to find their rightful owners! That sound good to you!?" The bugbear called up to the flying goblin.


"The both o' ya are bein' paranoid!" Brutrumukk called back up. "If any o' those things up there belonged to the 'ags, I'm fairly certain they'd 'ave a little more defense about 'em than bein' stuck on top o' some big fountain! Now quit yer whinin' an' bring 'em 'ere!"

"Bring all o' that stuff down when yer done lookin' at 'em!" Brutrumukk called up as the moment of wonder passed and the bugbear's greed reasserted itself in his mind. "Especially the silver things! I want those fer me treasure sack!"
@rush99999 oops. Sorry guys. I'll come back on my turn. Didn't mean to run that far

If you didn't want to leave the map, you can edit the movement of your previous turn to a different distance if you wish.
did Rala leave the map?

She did indeed leave the map.
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