Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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You're up.
As Jørmund and Cascade move to flee, they fall upon one of the attackers - a loxodon missing his ears and tusks - with powerful smites. The loxodon takes Jørmund smite with little more than a grunt, though it's obvious that the attack has had quite the effect. And when Cascade struck her blow, the humanoid elephant managed to keep himself from being sent flying. But even so, he crumpled to the ground in an unconscious heap from the damage dealt to him.


"A flyin' goblin!" Brutrumukk exclaimed in astonishment as Jub activated the Charm of the Monarch. "Well now I've seen everythin'."

"Items?" Brutrumukk asked before following Aurora's gesture up to the top of the geyser and spotting the baubles located there after a moment of squinting. "Huh. So there are." Brutrumukk said before a glint of silver brought a glint of avarice to the bugbear's eye. "Some of 'em look like they'd be worth a pretty penny." Brutrumukk added before looking around. "Where's that fairy we came 'ere with? She'd be able to reach 'em with those wings of 'ers."
@Guardian Angel Haruki
Not so fast, there are two things you may want to consider before bringing your move to an end.

First off: If you move as far as you've specified you'll be provoking opportunity attacks from two attackers.

And secondly: You're moving 30 feet away from Jørmund, but your Marine Layer only goes out to 20 feet. He'll be completely exposed if you use your full movement.

Sorry about that, Lost. You can go once Haruki is done. And as a token of my contrition, Aura can take two actions this turn.
@Lurking Krog

Your turn.
Despite not taking the time to aim properly, Rala manages to score a good enough hit to bring down one more attacker before moving behind the shield wall. This loss would prove to be inconsequential however, as yet another wave of attackers emerged from the trees, nine maul bearers and one crossbowman. It seemed that the promise of 'great honors' was quite the tempting reward to the attackers. As no sooner had they heard the words of the Terran voice, all of the attackers had moved to surround the Marine Layer that Jørmund was hiding in. None bothering to do anything about those who weren't hidden save for the two archers who fired on Flicker as they fled, yet soon stopped this when Flicker caught one of their crossbolts and threw it back.

That would be a 14.

May I catch the missile and spend 1 ki point to throw it back?

You may indeed. However the archer is 40 feet away, so you'll be attacking with disadvantage unless you use your inspiration.
Yep! You want me to roll for that now?

Yes please.

On this turn, Flicker will be hit by a ranged attack for 5 damage. Would you like to use Defect Missiles?
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