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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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@Lurking Krog

It lasts longer.
@Guardian Angel Haruki
When Cascade drank her bottle of Zing, the taste was electrifying. A few moments after finishing the concoction, Cascade felt compelled to throw her head back and open her mouth wide, allowing three bolts of lightning to leap clear of her throat and soar off into the clouds. Thirty seconds later, Cascade began to feel like she had just gotten a full night's rest. Just as the sign had promised.

@Lurking Krog
When Jørmund drank his bottle of Zing, the taste was something he could only describe as hatred given liquid form. Shortly after Cascade's light show, Jørmund noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. Turning to look at this movement would reveal a spectral figure of someone very familiar to Jørmund. Haraldr Flat Nose stood ten feet away from Jørmund. His ethereal visage glaring at the earth genasi silently yet murderously. Despite his seemingly noticeable appearance and the fact that he made no effort to hide, Haraldr seemed to go completely unnoticed by anyone other than Jørmund. Thirty seconds later, Jørmund began to feel like he had just gotten a full night's rest. Just as the sign had promised.

When Aura drank her bottle of Zing, she couldn't quite find the words to describe the taste of the brew. And while she was somehow 100% certain that something had happened after drinking the potion, there was no way Aura or anyone else could tell what the effect was. Thirty seconds later, Aura began to feel like she had just gotten a full night's rest. Just as the sign had promised.

@XxFellsingxX @Birdboy
"Oh fuck off!" One of the goblins barked out in response to Flicker's words. "You know how hard common writing?! Almost hard as guessing if you man-thing or woman-thing!" The goblin then rounded on Rala. "And why bad if goblin make Zing?! Mixer good mixer! You think you do better than Mixer?! HA! Mixer like see you try! Mixer laugh when you mess up!"

The simic hybrid, her attention having been caught by the fuss Mixer was kicking up, turned toward the potion table and called out. "Mixer! Calm down!" The hybrid ordered. "And whoever riled her up to begin with, stop it! We have enough to deal with as is! We don't need anyone causing more problems right now!"

As the hybrid turned back to what she was doing, Mixer returned to her own work while muttering to herself in goblin.


"What in the...?" Brutrumukk said in a manner that signified the bugbear's unsurety regarding how he should feel about one of the Wisps just passing straight through him. He did enjoy the feeling of power that had left him with though, so he didn't complain.

When once everyone else had either agreed or abstained from making the promise in exchange for the boon, and the Wisps had answered everyone else's questions, Brutrumukk spoke up again. "Before we 'ead off, I got one more question." The bugbear stated. "Do any o' you lot know where we can find any alley corn? Or anyone folks call the Doormat Queen what might be trapped somewhere? Before we came to this place, a pair o' clowns told us we 'ad to "Find the alley corn an' free the Doormat Queen as last!"... Whatever that means."
The wilderness holds other dangers—threats more frightening than an angry weredapuss—that might harm dragonkin when they travel the wilds. Creatures so foul, they display only one aspect of a Beast. A giant spider: no hooves, no wolf snout, no feathers...just a creepy and monstrous spider. A beast so frightening that most drakes would flee in fear when they encounter it!

And none among them are more feared than... the quokka!

Haruki has it right.

The scabbard bracer basically holds your sword for you, leaving your main hand free to do other things.
@LostDestiny @Lurking Krog

If only there were some sort of magic potion nearby that could give you a full night's rest in just thirty seconds.
As Jørmund and Cascade approached the shield wall, Cascade dropped her Marine Layer to allow the archers to let fly one more volley, slowing down the attackers just long enough to get the last two members of the party behind the shield wall. With everyone safe and sound, they all headed deeper into the campsite to where the counter attack was being mustered.

However, now that the adrenaline of sudden battle has worn off, the fact that all of you had just been getting ready to settle in for the night reasserts itself and you all begin to feel the weight of exhaustion bearing down on you.

As you arrive at the mustering ground, you immediately take note of two sights of interest.

One sight is that of a female simic hybrid standing on a box barking orders at those around her. Judging by the fact that those who respond to the hybrid's barking with some variation of the words "Yes boss!", this woman is the leader of the highwaymen.

The other sight is a large table of potions manned by a trio of goblins. A cardboard sign hangs off the front of the table with the words "Zing! A ful nite's rest in just fertee secundz! Onlee 30 gold peesiz a botul! CUMPLEETLEE FREE UNTIL FITE IZ OVUR!" crudely painted onto it. A group of tired looking people stand in front of the table. Each person takes a bottle from the table and drinks it. A few seconds later, strange things happen to each person who drinks the potion. One drinker grows a beard made of feathers that explode out from his face when he sneezes a moment later. Another vanishes without a trace for six seconds before reappearing as if he had never left to begin with. And a third becomes surrounded by faint, ethereal music. But despite these strange effects, the drinkers all had one thing in common: Every one of them started looking a lot less sleepy a few moments after the dealing with the initial oddness.


Skobeloff was barely able to keep his composure when he realized what he was dealing with. A bearded dragon who had become her Shadowself? Skobeloff could barely contain his excitement at the thought of matching wits with a bearded dragon who had fallen under the sway of the Darkness! Even so, Skobeloff let none of his excitement show as he let out a yawn and affected the demeanor of someone who was beginning to feel somewhat tired. "Now that you mention it, perhaps a short nap would do me some good." Skobeloff drowsily declared. "Lead the way."

As he followed Fogdance to wherever it was that she was keeping Tamba and Pleexem, Skobeloff pretended to become more and more sleepy as time went on. Eventually, Skobeloff pretended that he was too tired to move and asked Fogdance if she would carry him the rest of the way. When the older dragon obliged, Skobeloff pretended to fall asleep soon after, resting his head against Fogdance's carapace. In truth, Skobeloff did this so that he might listen to the beating of Fogdance's heart in an effort to determine how the Darkness had managed to find purchase there and how he might be able to drive it away.

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