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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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"Whoa!" Skobeloff exclaimed as he was glomped by Tamba.

"Thank the moons, a friendly face at last!" Tamba exclaimed in kind as she glomped Skobeloff.

"I'm glad to see you as well, Tamba." Skobeloff said happily.

"Careful, Tamba," The other drake spoke up then. "For all we know, he could be corrupted too!"

"Oh, you're right!" Tamba said before letting go of Skobeloff and stepping back to examine him. "Hmm, it's actually hard to tell in this light, gimme a sec."

"...It's been three seconds already, Tamba. What's the hold up?" Skobeloff said with a cheeky grin after three seconds of silence as he watched Tamba call upon the moons for light.

"Well, at least it's something," Tamba said as a small mote of light flickered into existence on her claw. "Do you know how tricky the moons have been since we've got here? I've been barely able to do any magic. Not sure if it's because of the Darkness being present on this island or simply because we're in a shaded area. Now, if you'll just..."

"Of course." Skobeloff complied as he allowed Tamba to check for any sign that Skobeloff was also his Shadowself.

"He seems alright. No wierd black veins OR any change in his colouration." Tamba said to her fellow prisoner once she had confirmed that Skobeloff was untouched by the Shadows.

"If you say so," The other drake muttered as he approached. "You know him better than I do, after all."

"So what's been going on here exactly?" Skobeloff asked. "Why is Fogdance so obsessed with keeping everyone safe? How did things get to the point where the Darkness managed to claim her for its own ends?"

Skobeloff continued pretending to be asleep, allowing Fogdance to place him inside the cell with the other sleeping drakes. Once inside, Skobeloff waited until he Fogdance had left and the sound of her footsteps had faded away into the distance before springing to his feet. He looked around the cell to see if he could find anything. Predictably, Skobeloff found nothing. With that out of the way, Skobeloff walked over to where his cellmates lay sleeping and gave them both a nudge to try and wake them up.

Aurora: Let's find Jingle Jangle and get the key.

Brutrumukk and Gabriel:
@Guardian Angel Haruki

My highest roll was a 15 and the d8 came up with an 8.

When the Wisps handed over the trinkets, Brutrumukk insisted on having both the silver mirror and the silver pinecone for his treasure sack. After he got that, the bugbear tuned out until the scent of Telemy Hill's sweet-smelling fruit brought him back to his senses just in time to hear Gabriel's question. "If I 'ad to take a wild guess, probably somewhere along that path." Brutrumukk said while gesturing towards the long path winding up the hill towards the keyhole shaped cave near the summit. "Either way, I'm gonna go find out what's smellin' so tasty 'round 'ere. Don't wait up." With that said, Brutrumukk went off in search of food.

The stomp thing was directed to Aura, not Hawk. ^^”

...Oh yeah. I totally knew that. I was just testing your memory. Yes, this was all because I wanted to test your memory and most certainly not because I misread the post. Well done for passing the test. I will edit my post now.
"Is, err, that supposed to happen?" Flicker asked as the potion's side-effects began to kick in.

"Of course that supposed to happen." Mixer confirmed with a dismissive wave of her hand, not bothering to look up from her work. "How else you know magic working?"

"Wow! You guys weren't kidding when you called it a Zing! That was...Zing-y! Very Zing-y!" Cascade commented once she was done screaming lightning into the sky.

This time, Mixer did look up from her work. "Oh thank you!" Mixer said happily. "Always nice know someone appreciates goblin work." The other two goblins working nearby were quick to voice their agreement with Mixer's statement as well.

"Should I send Hawk to see if he can get a good look at the numbers of the enemy?" Aura asked the party before turning to look at Hawk. "Would you be up for that buddy? Might be dangerous, I might have to summon you back afterward."

Hark cocked his head at her while telepathically communicating his confusion as to why he would ask if he'd be up for something dangerous. Of course he'd be up for something dangerous! Hawk was always up for something dangerous! Hawk and Aura then spent the next few moments going over the specifics of what Hawk was to keep an eye out for, only stopping when Cascade walked over and asked her questions about Hawk, eventually asking Aura to stomp her foot thrice if she needed help. Hawk was unsure of what Cascade had just said due to her whispering and covering her mouth. So he looked back at Aura in the hope that she had answers.

Meanwhile, Jørmund's reaction to his dose of Zing got Flicker questioning again. "Do you have a list of side-effects on that bottle? If you don't, you probably might want to look into that." Flicker said with his hands raised in a placating gesture. "I'm not meaning to offend, just... think it would be a good idea. For your business."

"Tried once. Failed." Mixer explained. "Too many magic things to count. List paper too small. Magic things not bad bad though... Usually... Just don't drink Zing bottle instead of sleeping more than three times and you be fine."
That's actually a good question...

A good question indeed. Unfortunately there is no easy way to get the answer.

I'll tell you what question does have an answer that is easy to get though. How does Skobeloff pay his rent? And the answer is that he pays it like this.

Here is my character.

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