Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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@rush99999 I fixed my CS btw. It no longer has 'Power' marked.

Worry not, I had already noticed. Your sheet is now 100% approved.

Once RBY has finished their sheet I'll get the RP thread up.

"Extra powerful moon magic." Skobeloff said with a nod and a smile. "Yes, I can see that coming into play quite nicely. First things first however..." Skobeloff turned to the door to their cell and walked towards it with a sly grin. Having failed to properly capture and contain the Trickster, Fogdance had given Skobeloff carte blanche to engage in trickery galore at his discretion. Starting with taking advantage of an opportunity that had revealed itself to him as he was nudged into the cell.


Good work. I especially like the picture. One of yours by any chance?

Either way, there is one alteration I'll be needing from you before I approve this 100%. You have a mark on Power before the game's even started. Unless I'm forgetting something, everyone starts the game with all factions unmarked.
Urban Shadows - Heebie Jeebies

Hello and welcome to my interest check for Urban Shadows. An Apocalypse Engine game in which you play as, and I use the term loosely, 'people' simply trying to get by. The only trouble is that these 'people' had the misfortune of being born in a dark urban fantasy setting where politics are the order of the day and debts are not to be dishonored lightly.

Should you get the feeling that this is your kinda game. Make your interest known and click here for the rules.

Here's one I made earlier.


"Well seeing how this is the first time I've heard mention of anyone called Maug, he either didn't make it or someone high up decided to keep a lid on his arrival and message." Skobeloff said. "Either way, we can do nothing about that or anything else while were locked in here. Fortunately, I can get us out. But before I do, I need to know a little bit more about who I'm working with here." Skobeloff turned to Tamba. "I already know your capabilities in matters academical. Especially when it comes to the subjects covered by Lung-Kwan’s Famous Dragons and What They Did." Skobeloff told her. "I expect that should come into play quite nicely later. But if there's any other capability you feel we should know, feel free to make mention of it." Once Tamba was done speaking, Skobeloff would nod and then turn to Pleexem. "You I am not so familiar with. So I don't know what you can do." The rawscale Trickster stated. "Tell me about yourself. The more detail you can give me, the better able I shall be to bring you into my plan."
I got a 9.

Brutrumukk wasn't opposed to having Gabriel and Jub join him in his Feywild fruit pursuit, the bugbear even welcomed the company when Gabriel helped him find a trio of gourds shaped like plump dragons. Brutrumukk picked up the gourds, snapped their heads off, and stowed them away in his head sack while sucking the innards of one gourd out of the neck stump left behind and passing the other two gourds to Gabriel and Jub. "You got some good eyes in yer 'ead, Gabe." Brutrumukk said once he'd drained his gourd before turning to Jub. "Let's see if yer eyes are just as good, booyagh." Having said that, Brutrumukk returned Jub to his place of honor on the bugbear's shoulder to give the goblin a better view of their surroundings. So long as Jub pulled his weight, a second set of gourds would soon be found. Once more, Brutrumukk took up all three gourds. But this time he didn't snap the heads off any of them. Instead, Brutrumukk simply passed Jub and Gabriel their gourds and stowed his own gourd away in his backpack for later.

adjusted it, but can't get rid of the other slider, so just ignore that one :S

The slider on the bottom is for temporary HP and the top slider is for ordinary HP. If you reduce the bottom slider to 0, it will get rid of itself for you.
Sorry if my previous OOC post was too mean. ^^"

No no. It wasn't mean at all. Worry not.
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