Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

Thank you for your patience, everyone. I'm almost back up to 100%, so you can expect a post by Monday at the latest. In the meantime, I figured I'd share a little bit of what's coming up with you all.

Aura and Cascade's actions will both yield results. Aura's discovery will make the coming battle easier, while Cascade's discovery will be more of a hint towards what will be coming up in future chapters. A tiny hint, perhaps, but a hint none the less.

As for the battle itself, we won't be playing out the whole thing turn by turn in initiative order. I have something planned which will speed things up a little while also keeping things entertaining too.
I'm currently on the tail end of a pretty rough chest infection. I will try to get an IC post up to address the actions and move things along when I am able, but that may take a while. My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
Yeah that's perfectly alright.
Just to make sure we're on the same page, you were talking about this Paimon rather than this Paimon, correct?
@RBYDark @XxFellsingxX @Guardian Angel Haruki

Just so you know, since you're all approved you're free to post your characters in the Char tab.
If I'm allowed a higher demon, Paimon's always been a favorite of mine.
Paimon is fine by me. And I'm sure she'd love having someone around who actually respects her and doesn't just think of her as emergency food.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
I don't mind in the slightest.

Tell me more about Grace's debtors and creditors.
You’re protecting someone from a dark power. They owe you 2 Debts.: This one's definitely Ravindra - as I noted in Mitra's introduction, Mitra kept him from making a deal with a demon. And honestly has to keep making sure he doesn't take bad deals with the other supernatural entities they're both super-aware of now.
Does Ravindra have some sort of quality that makes the supernatural entities seek him out specifically or is he the one that is always going to them?

Someone is trying to save you and keeps suffering for it. You owe them 2 Debts.: Chandra Singh - Mitra's mother-in-law - feels like a good candidate for this. I figure she's some kind of politician (city council? Mayor? Assistant/deputy city manager?) but was actually more aware of the supernatural side of things than her son or son-in-law. Of course, if this is keeping things too "inside", I can come up with a friend of Mitra for this role.
I'm fine with all of these things you mentioned. I only ask that Chandra starts somewhere at the middle of the political hierarchy at most rather than the very top. City council is fine now, the Mayor's Office comes later.

You have a demon patron who holds the contract for your soul. You owe them 3 Debts.: my patron, obviously. Can I select a specific demon or might that mess with the setting too much?
The Apocalypse Engine runs on player input. Feel free to select whichever demon you please. You shape the setting just as much as I do.
Does anyone have anything more to say in this scene or are you ready ready for me to advance the plot?

Don't be sorry, friendo. You have nothing to apologize for. As for your sheet, I can see nothing wrong with it. Consider yourself approved.

Here's the RP thread.
Urban Shadows - Heebie Jeebies

Hello and welcome to my RP thread for Urban Shadows. An Apocalypse Engine game in which you play as, and I use the term loosely, 'people' simply trying to get by. The only trouble is that these 'people' had the misfortune of being born in a dark urban fantasy setting where politics are the order of the day and debts are not to be dishonored lightly.

Places are still open, so should you get the feeling that this is your kinda game. Make your interest known and click here for the rules.

Here's one I made earlier.

@RBYDark @XxFellsingxX
I'll be waiting a few more days before starting the game to see if I can draw in another player or two. In the meantime, tell me a little more about your debtors and creditors.
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