Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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If that's what you consider to be short, I shudder to imagine what long is to you. Either way, your post is fine. No need to change anything.

Also, don't worry about not finding anything in your research. Totems of Prey were something I just made up on the spot, so you aren't missing out on any important mythological context.
Sorry for taking so long. I'll try to get something up before the end of tomorrow.

Something has just occurred to me. We get friendship gems when we exemplify another character's virtue, yes? And Shieldwing's virtue is bravery, yes? Well I don't know about you, but I think Skobeloff going off on his own the way he did was a pretty good example of bravery.
@Guardian Angel Haruki
Just so you know, Kendra, Aliss, and Trinity are actually in the apartment right now.

Sorry if all of these corrections are getting annoying. Nephren-ka is good though. I actually think the whole egyptian mummy concept is actually quite an interesting idea.

The cards are indeed interesting objects. As a rule of thumb, anything I directly mention the presence of is an interesting object.
Someone is your go-to when you get into trouble. You owe them 2 Debts

Abberline Winchester

I feel I should point out two things.

Thing One: Abberline has only just arrived in the city. He hasn't been around long enough to gather any debts yet.

Thing Two: Abberline shoots anyone who isn't from Mortality on sight. He would sooner hunt Misty than help her.

If you'd like a hunter for a bodyguard, you are by all means welcome to one. Just not Abberline.
Wasn't able to start things off before the end of '22, but I managed to get it going before we got too far into '23. Hopefully that counts for something. Either way, I have a series of tasks for each of you. Complete them all and you will get a minor reward later on. Your first tasks are as follows.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
In your first IC post, explain how Grace came to have the Wizard in the Wires as both a debtor and a creditor.

In your first IC post, explain how Kendra came into possession of their tarot deck and what feelings its absence provokes.

In your first IC post, explain how Mitra came into possession of a Totem of Prey.

Misty will come into the IC a little later. In the mean time, could we hear a little more detail about her debtors and creditors?
Good evenin', listeners! If you're just tunin' in, I'm your host Mr. Dialtone and you are listenin' to Awareness Radio. Our top story tonight, the City Council voted against increasin' fundin' to City Maintenance. The opposition to the proposal, led by Councilor Chandra Singh, rightly pointed out that City Maintenance already have more than enough fundin' to do their thing and that the various failures, disruptions, and paperwork pileups the increase in fundin' would supposedly prevent would never happen anyway.

Now listen up, listeners. Cuz' ol' Mr. Dialtone's got some truth for the folks out there that the Houseguest hasn't chased away. That proposal was a power-hungry piece o' posture put out by one o' Edward Farley's goons. That's right, listeners. The Risin' Shadow is at it again. I don't know why he wanted to send more money to City Maintenance, but ask anyone out there in the know and they'll tell you that anything good for Farley is bad for everyone else. So if you see Chandra Singh out there, buy her a drink for me. She's gonna need it after crossin' Farley the way she did. Believe me. I know.

In other news, tonight marks the third week that the Trader has been runnin' around the city and plyin' their trade among the citizens of our fair metropolis, whether they like it or not. Now don't get me wrong, I've been hearin' all you listeners from Arcadia. That's just how tradin' works back home. But here on Earth, you don't just take stuff without askin'. Even if you leave payment behind. You gotta offer the trade first. And if they say no, you gotta respect that. You'd think the Trader woulda been told this by now, but no. It seems fae culture has a thing about correctin' folks too. If no one gives the Trader the news though, they might just have to learn it the hard way.

And finally, there's a new hunter in town. Now usually, I'd welcome that. But this one, Abberline Winchester, he isn't your usual "protect the people from what goes bump in the night" sorta hunter. No, he's more of a "hunt what goes bump in the night for sport and hang it on the mantelpiece regardless of whether or not what goes bump in the night was actually hurtin' people" sorta hunter. So if any o' you guys from Power, Night, or Wild just wanna mind your own business, I'd suggest keepin' your heads down for a while. And while Mortality might not be on his merc list, I'd suggest you folks steer clear too. While he does try to keep ordinary folks out of the crossfire, collateral damage won't dissuade him if push comes to shove.

Anyway, that's all I've got for now. More will come as it happens, but in the meantime here's some music.
Awareness Radio's Nighttime News

@Guardian Angel Haruki
Anytime you pass a phone, it begins to ring. You may have thought it a coincidence before, but not now. Even among wizards, Mr. Dialtone is something of an oddity. But then again anyone who's had their soul imprisoned in electrical wiring would be something of an oddity. Regardless, the guy is friendly enough and has even been pretty helpful to you in the past. Partly because he owes you, partly because you owe him, but mainly because he's just cool like that.

From past experience, you know that the ringing phones won't stop following you until you pick one up.

What do you do?

Someone's been in your apartment. You wouldn't have noticed as soon as you did had it not been for Trinity, but with her around, that eye for detail her forensics career had honed to a keen edge managed to pick up that various objects were out of place a few moments after you and your roommates returned to your abode after each of you had fulfilled the myriad obligations that made up your day. But even without Trinity's sharp eyes, you would have realized this eventually.

Your tarot cards are gone. A deck of cheap, low quality playing cards left in their place. Nothing else has been stolen, but that doesn't change the fact that you are now without your prophetic tools.

What do you do?

The Totem of Prey. In the hands of most, it's an odd little animal bone trinket of no real use or value. In the hands of those who know what they're doing though, it's an early warning to get your head down because someone or something is hunting you. You have come into possession of one. And as luck would have it, you know what you're doing.

But you don't have time to focus on that right now. The all too familiar sound of loud music comprised mainly of trumpets has reached your ears. An all too familiar sound that is drawing closer with each passing second.

It appears that your boss would like a word with you.

What do you do?
Happy New Year!
And posted. Sorry for taking so long. I'll make it my New Year Resolution to work on my post frequency.
It didn't take long after opening her awareness for Cascade to pick something up. The scent of fire and brimstone drew the paladin's attention to a tent roof about 30 feet away. After staring at the tent roof for a moment, Cascade would notice a small indent in the fabric that suggested something should be sitting there, yet nothing was. After a few more moments of staring, the faint sound of flapping wings met Cascade's ears, the indent vanished, and the fiendish presence moved swiftly and suddenly upwards until it ascended past the 60 feet mark and vanished from her senses.

Shortly after Cascade's experience, Aura began receiving information from Hawk. Whoever was leading the attack had brought a small army. The shield wall was holding for now, but it was only a matter of time before the press of bodies became too much.

With the attackers so focused on the battle in front of them, it was a simple task to fly right over their heads all the way to where Hawk could get a perfect vantage point on the leaders of the attack. The two of them were arguing with each other in their respective languages. The one who spoke terran looked to be a statue of a male drow that had been brought to life by magic. Meanwhile, the one who spoke ignan looked like a burning bipedal newt.

"You would let their insults stand, Ervdul?!" The newt questioned demandingly.

"I would not allow them to rob us of our sense, Yoseph!" The statue shot back. "If we fall, our masters' forces will have nothing to drive them forward! And with nothing to drive them forward, the battle will be lost!"

"And because of that you would let those who mock us go unpunished?!" Yoseph pressed.

"I would focus on winning the battle." Ervdul answered. "Then I would seek retribution for the insults. The will of our masters come first and foremost. And their will is that we take this campsite. Besides, I marked the worst offender for death, did I not? The Northman's head will be on a spike within the hour and neither of us will have needed to lift a finger to put it there."

Yoseph and Ervdul continued on arguing as Hawk flew past them and spied on the rest of the attacking forces, learning many interesting things that would give the highwaymen a comfortable advantage should they be informed of these things.

Once Hawk has scoped out all he can and reports that he is on his way back, you all hear the leader of the highwaymen call out to everyone in the area. "If you can't fight, take shelter in the camp's western reaches. If you can swing a sword, loose an arrow, or cast a spell, gather around me! The time to begin our counter attack is at hand!"
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