Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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@RBYDark @Guardian Angel Haruki
How are things on your ends? All is well I hope.
I noticed you were online a few hours ago. Are you back?
I am. The former old man is just staying and waiting for the conversation to finish up, while also trying to figure out what he should call himself in this new world.
Should I mark corruption for agreeing to do what Abberline wants? It is making a deal with dark powers after a fashion.

Nah. Abberline is getting there, but he isn't a dark power just yet. So Misty can make deals with him without marking corruption for now.
@Dark Cloud

Yeah you're still on the waiting list. I'll be bringing you in at the start of the next chapter.

"You are correct," Echo said. "Have you perhaps encountered this creature yourself?"

Skobeloff shook his head. "I doubt I'd be here if I had." The Trickster said. "I had a run in with one of its victims. She's fine now, but she is a bearded dragon and this thing overcame her regardless. Power will do us no good here. It's knowledge that we need."

"Our friend Alpin can tell you far more than I can." Echo stated. "After all, it was the brownies who first encountered this being, which is how they ended up in their current state."

Skobeloff listened to Alpin's words intently as the brownie explained the origins of the threat they faced. Paying careful attention to every detail as the story unfolded. "What happened then?" Skobeloff asked when Alpin paused after mentioning that the strange black dragon woke up.
Took me longer than it should have, but I finally managed to get a post up. Everyone please welcome Candy to the game.
The drive to the studio is largely uneventful by the standards of the city you live in. You drive past a vampire charming a meal out of a pretty face one moment, a werewolf stalks you as you pass through a neighborhood it has claimed as its territory the next, but nothing gets in your way though. The only noteworthy event that actually effects you is when you pull into the parking lot of the abandoned Shakes dance studio. As you do so, you notice another car pulling in through the entrance opposite the one you're pulling in through.

You finish your preparations and head out to the car, Trinity has already started it up so you are nice and safe from the chill of the night when you climb in. Aside from Trinity being indecisive over which radio station she wants to listen to, nothing much happens on the ride. Occasionally, you would catch glimpses of the city's goings on. The day shops closing their doors as the night shops open theirs. The occasional old timer in a beat up pick-up making a supply run or a delivery run. But nothing that immediately concerns you until you pull into the Shakes studio parking lot and see another car over at the opposite entrance doing the same.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
Your intangible form keeps pace with the car easily enough. And thankfully no one seems interested in bothering you or your friends. A few of the spectres you fly past are even varying degrees of friendly, calling out greetings or warning you to stay safe out there with Farley, Abberline, and the Trader out and about. When you arrive at the abandoned studio, you notice the other car pulling into the parking lot just as quickly as Kendra does. But from your vantage point above the car you also catch sight of a woman in the building through one of the upper level windows... As well as the man holding her at gunpoint.

Life can have quite the sense of humor sometimes. Take tonight for example. Within an hour of hearing Mr. Dialtone talk about Abberline Winchester on the radio, the sound of a rifle round being chambered alerted you to the presence of that very same hunter in your sanctum, armed with a high-powered, scoped, silenced, drum-fed abomination of a gun which he has pointed directly at you. He claims he hasn't come to kill you though. "I'm looking for a faerie." Abberline explains. "Perhaps you may have heard of them. Here on Earth, they are known as the Trader." Abberline pauses then to produce an empty bag labeled 'Candy'. "I have an item of theirs and I know your kind can use magic to track your prey using items they own." Abberline states as he tosses the bag to you. "You point me in the Trader's direction and I forget your choice of profession long enough for you to find a new lair. Do you find this offer agreeable?"

Upon hearing Echo's words, Skobeloff breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Garrock was ok. "Alright. That's good to know." Skobeloff said before turning to Shieldwing. "Sorry for going off on you like that." Skobeloff apologized. He then addressed everyone in the cave as he spoke his next words. "I've figured out what's causing the island's troubles." Skobeloff explained, his smile straining no longer. "There is something on this island. Something dark enough to drag its victims into their Shadowselves. Something powerful enough to match the strongest of dragons. But at the same time, something cowardly enough that it won't attack unless you are alone or it has no other option."

"L-look, just forget about Kyte for a-" Was all Shieldwing had time to say before being interrupted.

"I have." Skobeloff snapped at his clutchmate, the Trickster's eyes alight with worry and panic as the smile on his face strained more and more with each passing second. "Now answer my question."

"Why is it a big deal if we leave Garrock alone? Of course we did, he couldn't fit in here. But it's fi-"

"No it isn't." Skobeloff cut Shieldwing off again, before turning away and looking around at the others. "If Garrock is alone then he is in danger. We have to get to him. Fast."
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