Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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"The Moons' power seems to be in short supply out here." Skobeloff commented at the mention of how difficult using Moon Magic was. "I had trouble with it earlier. The Stronghold's inhabitants were finding it difficult as well. The Darkness has something to do with this I'm sure. Fortunately, I know how to circumvent this little obstacle." Skobeloff then proceeded to explain how everyone would be able to deal with their Moon Magic issues. What he didn't know however was that his solution was based off of information that he had misremembered. His guidance would only make the problem worse.

“I need something for the spell to work on,” You tell the hunter.

"I am aware." Abberline replies before gesturing to the empty bag with the word 'Candy' embroidered onto the side that he threw to you a moment ago. "The bag belongs to my quarry. I trust that will be enough for you to work with?"

As you announce that you'd rather avoid anyone getting shot tonight, a strange intuition comes to you. An intuition you know from experience to be a result of your powers. Abberline knows of the prophesy foretelling his doom at the hands an alliance between all four factions. As a result, he will be quick to retreat if confronted by even the smallest gathering of Mortality, Night, Power, and Wild.
Don't feel bad. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.
I will include the results of your roll in my upcoming MC post.

BTW, you have Kendra acting like Grace has vanished even though the last sentence of Haruki's post is "For the moment she is still manifested."
Yes: Misty and Grace getting hurt by Abberline.

In that case, a successful KYC roll will help, but it won't immediately solve the problem. At most, you'll figure out the course of action that will lead to the best possible outcome for you and yours.
@rush99999 Question, is this a situation in which Kendra can roll Keep Your Cool?

Is Kendra trying to avoid something?
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I rolled an 11
And now hold +2

Which move is this exactly?
Jub made a comment earlier about the group possibly loosing their sanity from being in the Feywild too long, but at this point he's pretty sure Brutrumukk never had any.

Oh Brutrumukk has plenty of sanity. It's just that the aforementioned sanity is sanity by the standards of bugbears.

Once everyone was back on the raft, Brutrumukk picked a direction at random and rowed that way until the water level dropped back down to a depth where the raft was no longer needed. Hefting the raft on the shoulder he wasn't carrying Jub on and putting the stilt he'd been using as an oar back in the stilt pants, Brutrumukk then led the way in yet another randomly selected direction until the sound of squelching feet met his ears and the scent of delicious stew met his nose. As the walking inn came into view, Brutrumukk nodded at the sight. "Yeah, that makes sense." The bugbear stated. "Or at least whatever the fuck this place likes to call 'sense' even though it clearly ain't... Either way, I like the smell o' what they got cookin' in there. Let's go 'ave a look-see." With that said, Brutrumukk walked up to the building as it lowered itself down, kicked open the door, and walked inside. "Oi oi!" Brutrumukk called out in greeting. "What smells so tasty in 'ere an' where can I get some?"
Related: can Mitra's shotgun be in the trunk of his car?

It can be. But know that I will not accept "It's what my character would do." as a valid reason for immediately opening fire on fellow PCs.
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