Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Fellwing's shriek visibly startled Skobeloff as the rawscale Trickster quickly turned to look at his clutchmate. As the shrieking stopped and the stammering started, Skobeloff realized what had happened. Fellwing had just peered into the Darkness. And if the uncharacteristically fearful display she showed was anything to go by, the Darkness had peered back a little more than was good for her health. That was something best nipped in the bud. "It's alright, Fellwing. Take a moment. Breathe" Skobeloff said as he approached Fellwing, his voice soft and his smile soothing. "You're alright. Just relax. Everything is fine." Skobeloff continued to croon comforting platitudes until Fellwing appeared to have calmed down a bit and the initial burst of fear had passed. Then he moved to quash the mote of Shadow that had settled within his friend. "You remember that thought exercise I taught you, yes?" Skobeloff asked. "Do you think you could do that for me right now?"

@Dark Cloud
Worry not, Gabe will be getting some bugbear therapy the minute Brut is done tending to Jub.

"Yeah, a pub without beer ain't the best thing in the world." Brutrumukk said to Jub with a nod of agreement, not understanding what his shoulder goblin's gestures meant. "But look on the bright side. They still got food. An' it sure does smell tasty, don't it? Yeah, a pub without beer ain't the best thing in the world, but it ain't the worst thing either."
My body decided to be a jerk and say "It's freezing! Bundle up!" this morning when the temperature outside isn't even low enough to warrant that. -_-"

I can relate. I have very cosy covers so this happens to me every morning regardless of temperature.
@Lurking Krog

Speaking of bosses and blasting, going to need a dexterity saving throw from Jørmund.
I'll go with useful secret. I can't really see Kendra having done something that would make Paimon owe them a debt xP

In that case, you've had a vision about Paimon in the past. It showed you that the key to defeating him or at the very least turning his gaze away from Earth for a time is by harming his standing in Hell and building up the status of another demon. If he isn't outright replaced as the King of the West by this rival, Paimon would turn his full attention to infernal politics, leaving his worldly servants to their own devices.
@rush99999 Decided to roll a Put A Face to the Name for Paimon and, err, got a 13? xD

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you.

With a 13, you know everything mentioned in Paimon's entry in the NPC tab and can either also know a useful secret about Paimon or have the rare privilege of having the King of the West himself owe you a Debt.

"Future plans on murderin' this beer stealin' bitch aside, I got two questions." Brutrumukk stated once Gabriel was done talking. "First off, what would you be wantin' in return fer all this food an' stuff yer offerin'? An' secondly, do got anywhere we could put our raft outside? I couldn't fit through the door an' I'd rather not leave it behind it if this place starts walkin' again. We might need it later."
Does anyone want to long rest at this place? I would be fine with a short rest, but I'd rather not long rest if possible. Brutrumukk doesn't really need one yet and would loose his temporary hit points if he long rests now. I don't want to waste them.
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