Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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"If there's time for it, I'd like to suggest we head to the Tessith Stronghold first." Skobeloff said. "I promised the friends I made over there that I would return a quickly as I could. And seeing how strength in numbers is the key to victory here, we definitely couldn't go wrong in picking up a few more helping hands."
Rolled a 13 on channeling. Spent one for tracking. Holding 2.

I believe you chose the focus option that gives you and additional 1 hold when channeling. So you would currently be holding three.
@Guardian Angel Haruki @RBYDark @XxFellsingxX
The music that Grace puts on coincides perfectly with the beginning of Mitra's transformation and is loud enough to carry outside the studio and give the tainted's transition some appropriately eerie ambient music.

Meanwhile, inside the studio, the sudden sound of music causes Abberline to tense up and begin pointing his rifle directly at Misty's head. "What do you think you are doing?" The hunter demands to know as his finger moves over the rifle's trigger. "I am in no mood for games, witch. Cease this mischief and cast the tracking spell."
then Brutrumukk will win with the only vote for against long rest due to player agency.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this.
If abstain does indeed make the majority, Zavakri could always break the tie between yay and nay by boring Brutrumukk into unconsciousness with math.
Pulled from his thoughts by the arrival of the half-orc, the former old man realised quickly that not everyone was going to be so welcoming as Marbess. But that would be no bother. With a few quick observations and a little half-remembered experience, he knew how best to get by this bouncer. "Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry. Coming through. On your left." He said as he made his way between the others before coming to a stop ten feet away from the half-orc, greeting him with a friendly smile. "That's a fine blade you have there." The former old man complimented the half-orc's scimitar "I can tell you put a lot of effort into maintenance. And I'm sure that dedication has earned you a faithful companion in your travels." The man drew five feet nearer to the half-orc as he continued speaking. "And I must also say that those are some stylish clothes you are wearing. I certainly wouldn't have minded waking up in an outfit like yours."

@Guardian Angel Haruki
Would appealing to the half-orc's pride allow for a persuasion check to make him friendly to be made with advantage?
I would say with a 20, you can pick 2 out of those four. Which ones do you want to know?

I'll go with personality traits and flaws.
@Guardian Angel Haruki
Would a 20 also be high enough to sus out any of the half-orcs characteristics? His personality traits, ideals, bonds, flaws? Anything that could be touched on to make the guy more agreeable if not outright friendly to us?
@Guardian Angel Haruki
What would an insight check of 20 tell me about this half-orc?

Also, is he currently hostile to us or is he just indifferent?
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