Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Flicker currently has inspiration. Would you like to use it?
Aaaand it seems like we've lost the map.

Should be back now.
<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

No joke, that made me think of this.


And that in turn made me think of this.

There seems to be a lot of reverence for the moons in this setting. What about the sun though? Is the sun held with some amount of regard or is it just the moons that get all the attention?

"Perhaps we ought to focus on gathering strength and weakening Bavlorna's. The bandits might be a good start as they answer to her."

"In that case, I best not eat too much 'ere then." Brutrumukk said as he returned from tying up the raft. "We'll be needin' to save some room fer the rabbit roast I'll be makin' fer supper." After a moment, Brutrumukk noticed how clean Gabriel had become in the time the bugbear had spent outside. "Wait a sec... 'Ow did you get clean so quickly?"
Your turn.
Finally got a post up. Sorry for taking so long.

Mitra's Bad Spot: Abberline has a holy sidearm.

Grace's Opportunity: She now has Abberline's gun.
Abberline's Weakness: He has his back to Grace.
Grace's Entanglement Evasion: Due to Grace's severe injuries, Abberline deems her too wounded to be a further threat.
"If I wasn't here, you would have killed someone from the Mortality Faction. How much more blood must be spilt until you are satisfied, Abberline?! Because quite frankly, you're just begging to be haunted,"

"Mortality?" Abberline says in response to Grace's words, more concerned by the presence of someone from each faction than he was by anything else she has told him. Distracted by these words, Abberline is unable to avoid Mitra's acid spit. As the weaponized saliva makes contact with his arm, Abberline cries out in shock and pain. He lets go of his rifle to clutch at his injured limb, unknowingly leaving the weapon in Grace's grasp. Abberline then turns away further from Grace to look at Kendra as they make their threat. Abberline regards the three visible people in the room with a nervous look on his face. He had come here looking to spook some information out of a wizard, but now he has more to deal with than he expected. The night is not panning out well for him.

And then Misty teleports away.

Abberline's apprehension vanishes in an instant when this happens, total confidence taking its place. "Dearie me. It looks like the witch wasn't as friendly with you as I thought." Abberline says as he turns fully to face Mitra and Kendra, shaking the dissolving clothing off of his arm to reveal the unharmed flesh underneath. "Hard luck, you two. You were going to need her." As he says that, Abberline reaches into his jacket and withdraws a long chain of blades and mace heads. Made of a metal that Mitra instinctively knows to be of holy origin. "As much as I'd love to kill a demon tonight, I'd be to exhausted to chase my real prey afterwards. So how about you just hand me that compass and I'll get out of your hair."

"If Kyte wants to come along and most of you are inclined to let them, I think I may have a scheme or two they'd fit into quite nicely." Skobeloff said. "Either way, I still think we should head to the Stronghold before our confrontation with this creature. If any of you are worried about time like Fellwing is, the victim I saved needed several days at this thing's mercy to be turned. So we can afford some time to prepare and gather our full strength before going in."
@Vertigo @rush99999 @Digizel Does anyone has anything they want to add or should I move us on?

I'd like to add something.
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