Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

I was hoping for a little more time in the inn, but if people want to move things forward, I won't stop it. Could we time skip by an hour though? While I'm not ready to long rest, I wouldn't object to a short one.
@Lurking Krog
Your go.
Descending upon the right flank, Ervdul moved among the combatants with a confident stride. He paused as he passed a highwayman and struck him down with a single punch. "You six!" Ervdul then barked as he turned to the six attackers who had been bearing down on the highwayman "Assist go and assist in pushing back the war construct's advance!" The attackers voiced their compliance, but Ervdul didn't wait for it. He had already moved on to another part of the battlefield where he stuck down another highwayman. "You two!" Ervdul then addressed the two attackers who had been fighting the highwayman. "Ensure that Yosef does not fall to his folly."

Meanwhile, Yosef recovered from Aura's Hex and Eldritch Blast with an angry hiss. "I am going to enjoy killing that caster once I am done with you!" Yosef exclaimed before charging Jørmund and Cascade with scimitar in hand. As he closed the distance, Yosef struck at Jørmund first. Yosef wrong for Jørmund's neck with a blow that would have taken the earth genasi's head clean off had Jørmund not deflected the blow. However, Jørmund did not escape without injury. Yosef's scimitar connected with Jørmund jawbone, leaving behind a nasty gash. Yosef then made a similar swing at Cascade. However, Yosef didn't have nearly as much a desire to see Cascade dead as he did with Jørmund. And so Cascade was more easily able to turn away the reptile's blade.

In fact Brutrumukk probably stinks like good Papa Nurgle himself

You'd think so, but no. His race's affinity for stealth means that Brutrumukk instinctively keeps track of anything that may hinder his ability to go undetected. Scent included.
I'm doing alright. Sorry for taking so long. I'll try to have something up soon.
"Hah! Finally! You got a good eye, there!" The half-orc exclaims.

"I'm glad you think so." The former old man replied, what few motes of nervousness he'd felt about approaching the half-orc vanishing as the scimitar was sheathed.

"What are you lot doing in these ruins?" The half-orc then asked. "People weren't supposed to be able to enter here, right ol' timer?"

"We were just as confused as you are about that." The man answered. "Though before you arrived, Marbess here figured out that us being here was the result of a Reincarnation spell... Speaking of Marbess, I noticed that he reacted with fear when you mentioned who you'd need to call. Should we be concerned about meeting Lyd?"

Here's another bit of lore I've come up with.

Sorry for taking so long. I'll have something up soon.
With all of this said, I do need something from you guys for the next location:


A Marching Order please. ^_^

Brutrumukk will be hoisting Jub onto his shoulder when the party sets off again, so wherever in the order Brut is, Jub will be there as well.
I'll post something short then I move we timeskip to after the rest.

I thought we decided against resting.
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