Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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@rush99999 can I use the magic clothes trope to get Mitra redressed or nah?

The magic clothes trope? What is that?
Finally got a post up. Sorry for taking so long. I'll try my best to up the pace a little on my end.
As the bullets fly, Abberline lets out a cry. But it is a cry of frustration over the compass being destroyed rather than a cry of pain from being shot so many times. For while several shots find their mark, most of the bullets miss and the few shots that do strike true either graze the hunter or hit the Kevlar beneath his clothes. The worst of the few injuries Abberline receives from the barrage is when Misty shoots the ring finger from his left hand. Kendra is quick to realize what is happening. The Winds of Fate have kicked up a Vortex of Coincidence around Abberline. Unless he stands before the alliance fated to defeat him, no fatal blow may land. And from the look on his face, Abberline has just realized that Grace's words about Kendra being from Mortality aren't true.

Before he can act on this realization however the flash of red and blue light outside, accompanied by a siren song all too familiar to city dwellers, heralds the arrival of the law. It seems that Trinity heard the sound of gunfire from the car and called in back up. "I only wanted a way to track my prey." Abberline says to you all. "But you just had to make things harder than they needed to be didn't you?" He then addresses one final sentence to Misty. "When I'm done with the Trader, nowhere will be safe for you, witch!" With that said, Abberline sinks through the floor and vanishes from sight in a manner that Grace will realize to be quite similar to her own ability to pass through solid objects.

Brutrumukk gave an apathetic shrug as another one of his companions turned their nose up at the thought of eating the Bunny Brigands. Brutrumukk wasn't entirely sure why they were taking issue with this. It's ok to eat normal sized non-talking rabbits that haven't done anything wrong, but eating human sized rabbits that can talk and engage in banditry isn't? Brutrumukk could not for the life of him understand the logic behind that. But he wasn't about to argue with them though. The fewer people to share the meat with, the greater share of meat he'd get for himself.

"Given how much we've had to eat today, I'm surprised you're still hungry," Jub said between mouthfuls of his own meal. "Are you ever full, or is your stomach some bottomless void?"

"Bugbears are bigger than most other folks." Brutrumukk explained. "So o' course our stomachs would be bigger than most other stomachs too." Of course, there was more to it than that. But metabolism, the effect regular physical exertion has on it, and all that other theoretical knowledge wasn't Brutrumukk's strong suit, so he wasn't aware of those reasons.
Like the cupcakes in the Feasting Orchard in the Carnival

Out of curiosity, did Tsu serve enough pie for us to have a Witchlight style pie eating contest if we wanted?

"I helped him by using a simple spell I learned decades ago." Aurora explained as she cleaned her clothes. "It can take awhile for large quantities of things that need to be cleaned, but it works in situations like this when means of cleaning are limited. I can help you clean your gear once I am done with mine."

"That'd be great." Brutrumukk said gratefully "The swamp stink's startin' to rub off on me. I'll be needin' that gone in case I need to sneak around. There ain't no skulkin' skill in the world what can work if a nose can smell you comin' a mile off."

"I would also like to let you that I do not agree with your intentions of eating these bandits." Aurora went on to say. "In all honesty I do not intend on killing them unless we have to. They are still humanoids and at least deserve a chance to redeem themselves. Besides that humanoids are not food. I know I probably cannot convince you otherwise Brutrumukk but I also want to put it out there that I will not be eating this supposed rabbit stew you plan to make from these folk."

"Eh, suit yerself." Brutrumukk said. "That just leaves more fer the rest of us."

"Here you are. Please enjoy the food," The innkeeper called out as he served the stew and the pie and the water.

"Oh don't you worry." Brutrumukk said as he bore down on on his bowl of stew. "I will enjoy it very much!" With that said, Brutrumukk went about the business of demolishing the stew with great gusto an gluttony. "NOM NOM NOM! Om. Nom... Oh, dish shtoo ish delishush!" Brutrumukk exclaimed before swallowing the food in his mouth and continuing. "I notice there ain't no meat in it though. Did the 'ag's goons take all the meat as well?"
I'll have something up soon.
Yosef lets loose something akin to a wet, wheezing squeak as Jørmund's mace impacts against the already damaged reptilian ribcage. Yosef struggles to catch his breath as Jørmund makes his threat. By the time the earth genasi is done talking, it's clear to see that Yosef has finally realized the merit to Ervdul's caution. "E-Ervdul!" Yosef called out in desperation. "I... I'm done being reckless now!"

"By the Biumvirate." Ervdul muttered in exasperation before barking orders at the attackers. "Somebody save Yosef!"

Post up. Sorry for the wait

@Lurking Krog
The ball is in your court.
Seeing his fellow attack leader in danger, Ervdul punched out two more highwayman before moving to join his reptilian counterpart. "Are you done being reckless now, Yoseph?" Ervdul asked.

"Not until the Northman is dead!" Yosef hissed in reply as he picked himself up before charging down towards where Jørmund was despite Ervdul's protests. Joseph struck twice against the earth genasi, the first blow scoring a hit against a gap in Jørmund's chain mail and the second missing by a wide margin.

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