Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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@rush99999 *rubs eyes* do my eyes deceive me? Or is that a emotion other than violent enthusiasm I see.

Your eyes do not deceive you. Even evil has loved ones.

The sight of Tsu casting her spell on the pot of soil caused Brutrumukk to pause in his eating and watch intently as the seed within the pot grew into a bell pepper over the course of six seconds. As the innkeeper turned to address Gabriel's inquiry, Brutrumukk got up from his seat and walked over to where the bell pepper was. Druidcraft. Brutrumukk recognized the spell. He knew it well. It was a spell his mother knew. She tended to use it more for its weather prediction and fire making than its plant growing, but even so, Brutrumukk hadn't seen that spell since he'd last seen his mother cast it. Seeing it again now... it made him feel strange.

Brutrumukk was pulled from his thoughts suddenly when Zavakri brought up the specifics of metabolism. "Met a bowl-ism?" Brutrumukk asked in a confused manner once Zavakri was done talking. After a moment, Brutrumukk just shrugged his shoulders at that. "Book people say the weirdest things sometimes." Brutrumukk cast one final glance back at the bell pepper before turning away from it, walking back to his chair, sitting down, and finishing his bowl of stew.

"All that talk o' rabbits just now 'as me thinkin' about that lot what we met by the bridge" Brutrumukk brought up to everyone present as he pushed his bowl away and pilled his plate of pie closer. "They wanted our memories of the best thing what someone ever gave each of us, yeah? We stopped 'em from doin' that, but now it's got me wonderin'... What is the best thing what someone's given each of us?"
@Guardian Angel Haruki
Would an Arcana check of 15 tell me any more than a 10 would?

"Yare yare daze." Skobeloff muttered to himself before cutting into the argument. "Hey now you two. Disagreement will neither rescue the captives nor bring an end to the problems going on here. Take a breath. Relax." Skobeloff said with a reconciliatory smile. "Garrock and I will head to the stronghold and meet up with who I found there while the rest of you scout out the place Fellwing saw in her vision. Once I have everyone from the stronghold, I'll gem sand back to you with reinforcements. That sound good to everyone?"

Just checking real quick, now that Shieldwing knows of Skobeloff's bravery, Skobeloff now has a friendship gem from him, yes?
Sorry for taking so long. I'll have something up before the weekend is out.
Skobeloff's gonna give Garrock another round of Study Someone to see what the next step in his side project is.

With a 7, Skobeloff will figure out how to get Garrock to give away that secret or vital piece of information now that he has proven his adventure soloing capabilities to the big guy.

"Suuure," Kyte said after a long pause. "Just so long as it doesn't end with me in a sick bed for an extended period of time."

"Efforts will be made to avoid this outcome." Skobeloff said playfully. "More than that I cannot promise."

"Well, if that's decided," Echo says with a clap. "We should get you out of here and back to your... cantankerous yellow friend. If you would all please step out onto the water..."

"Step onto the water?" Skobeloff asked before watching the rest of his clutch stand on the water as if it were solid ground. "Well this should be interesting." Skobeloff joined his clutchmates on the water, eager to see what mode of transportation would bring them back to the surface. "Whoa!" Skobeloff exclaimed in surprise as he was pulled into the bubble. "Whoa." Skobeloff then said in wonder as he recovered from the initial shock and took in the sight as the bubble moved slowly beneath the water. "What a sight."

The bubble eventually deposited the clutch outside the cave, where a very grumpy Garrock was waiting. Despite his harsh initial words, the big tsundere's true nature eventually shone through as he noticed Skobeloff's return and asked after the state of the stronghold. "I found many things and did many things more!" Skobeloff declared. "I outwitted a mischievous pixie. I faced down a bearded dragon who had fallen to her Shadowself. I figured out what it is that we are up against. And I did it all with little more that my quick wit and a bowl of porridge!"

Skobeloff then went on to recount his adventures in the island away from the rest of the clutch. It was a faithful retelling for the most part, with only a few minor tweaks and changes here and there to make for a better story. Once he was done Skobeloff took in Garrock's reaction expectantly. The Trickster had went off on his own in the first place to showcase his ability to get things done without his clutchmates to impress Garrock into a mood that secrets could be extracted from. Skobeloff felt that he had done that well enough, but what he felt wouldn't mean much if Garrock didn't feel the same.
@Guardian Angel Haruki @RBYDark @XxFellsingxX @Candykane
Could I get each of you to roll with Mind please.
As tempting as Candy's suggestion is, I will allow you to use your idea... Unless you like Candy's idea more.
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