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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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After he finished speaking, Brutrumukk became somewhat lost in thought for a time. Only recovering when he realized that Aurora had asked him about the best gift he'd ever received. "The best gift I ever got?" Brutrumukk said. "I got that a long time ago. So far back that gettin' it's actually the earliest memory I can think of. When I was about three years old, me mum an' me dad were part of an 'ost. Only it weren't doin' so good as it used to be, so me mum an' me dad decided to get a bunch of other bugbears together an' lop off some 'obgoblin 'eads. I don't remember much of 'ow it went, but I do still remember seein' me dad club the 'ost's warlord to death at the end. After he chopped the 'ead off, 'e let me play with it whenever it weren't on a spike. It was me favorite toy fer a long time." Brutrumukk then looked contemplative for a moment before speaking again.

"There are two other gift memories I can think of." Brutrumukk added. "They ain't the best gifts what I ever got, but since we are where we are, I feel like it'd be fittin' to tell you lot about 'em." Brutrumukk took a moment to eat some pie before continuing. "Me mum knew 'ow to tame axe beaks, so me old gang always 'ad a few o' those birds around. When I was eight, an axe beak chick took a likin' to me, I called 'im Chopper an' we were never too far from each other after that. Then one day, the little bugger wandered off while I wasn't lookin'. I went off to look fer 'im, but I 'ad no luck even after hours o' searchin'. Just as I was about to give up, this woman with white 'air, white clothes, an' a weird chicken foot tattoo under 'er eye appeared out o' nowhere." Brutrumukk paused then for another bite of pie before pressing on. "She asked me why I was lookin' so bothered. When I told 'er why, this weird smile appeared on 'er face an' she told me she could 'elp. When I agreed to let 'er, she used this magic whistle an' before you know it, Chopper came runnin' out the bushes like 'e'd never even left. When I looked back to ask the weird woman who she was an' why she 'elped me, I found that she'd vanished as suddenly as she arrived."

Brutrumukk took a moment to finish the rest of his pie then before recounting his second story. "After that, things when back to normal fer about three years." The bugbear continued. "Then a bunch of adventurers came along an' killed most o' me gang. When they found me though, they got all weird with each other about me bein' a kid. 'No we can't kill 'im! 'E's a child! It's wrong!' One of 'em said. 'That ain't no child, that's a monster. You really think it'd 'esitate like this if our roles were reversed?' Another said. I managed to sneak away while they were yammerin' on. As I escaped, I ran into that weird woman again. She 'elped me get away from the adventurers and led me to a big rock. She used magic to 'ollow it out, give it a secret entrance, an' make it a nice place to live in. This time, I managed to ask who the woman was an' why she 'elped me. She said that she was a Fairy Godmother an' then told me 'bout the Rule o' Recipe City. Then she vanished into thin air."

With his stories done, Brutrumukk looked back at Aurora. "So what about you?" Brutrumukk asked. "What was the best thing you ever got?"

When Garrock ordered him to lead the way to the stronghold, Skobeloff hesitated. As much as he wanted to get some one on one time with the bearded dragon, the Darkness had just found purchase in Fellwing again. Skobeloff didn't enjoy allowing darkness to fester within his friends. But at the same time, Garrock probably wouldn't like to be kept waiting and Fellwing herself probably wasn't in the mood to even speak with him, let alone let him convince her to focus on expunging the Shadow within her while he was the target of her anger.

Fortunately, an opportunity presented itself when Garrock stopped to have the last word in his argument with Fellwing. While that was happening, Skobeloff snuck over to Stargaze. "The Darkness just got through Fellwing's defences again." Skobeloff whispered to Stargaze. "That should probably be taken care of before you tangle with whatever is lurking in that lair." It was at that point that Garrock wrapped up his parting words and began to move. "Good luck out there." Skobeloff said to his clutchmates. "See you soon."

With that said, Skobeloff ran to catch up to and pass by Garrock to lead him to the stronghold. Despite his unease at leaving his clutch with one clutchmate dipping a toe into the Dark, Skobeloff had an obligation to fulfil. So he did his best to console himself with a belief that he wouldn't be away from the others for too long and that he'd be able to fix anything he'd actually be needed for upon his return.
@XxFellsingxX @Candykane
As the conversation continues, you two suddenly notice that the floor has become blanketed in a fine layer of mist that rolled in from under a nearby door. As you look down at this mist, it strikes you that some vampires have the ability to turn into and travel as a cloud of mist. With this it mind, it comes as no shock to either up you when the mist rises into a trio of columns before dispersing to reveal a trio of vampires in police uniforms, a young albino brunette dual wielding a pair of 9mm Glocks, a fair haired black man of indeterminate age bringing to bear a Walther PPK, and an older man with greying black hair pointing a light cavalry saber at the group. "Good evening." The senior officer speaks with a deep southern drawl. "If you would kindly lay your weapons down and place your hands behind your head, my colleagues I would greatly appreciate your compliance."

Having noticed the vampire's approach, you would be on guard enough to realize thanks to your connections to Trinity that these vampires are part of the Copper Web, a vampire clan that is intertwined with the city's police force. Knowing this, you are fairly certain that name dropping Trinity would put them in a more agreeable mood.
Sorry for the wait. I'll try to get something up before the end of tomorrow.
I'm loving the character development going on here though. XD

Is there anything about it you love in particular or do you just love all of it in general?
@Guardian Angel Haruki
I'll allow it, but Ervdul will be able to dodge if he makes a successful Dexterity saving throw due to the weird angle.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
You're up.
As the battle raged on around the party, five attackers moved to engage the party. Two of the attackers swung their mauls at Jørmund, who managed to fend off both. Two other attackers went after Flicker and Cascade, neither of whom were injured in the subsequent attacks. And the fifth attacker engaged with the highwayman fighting alongside the party.

@rush99999 sheesh poor Brut, he did plenty nice for Jub

He did plenty nice for Jub. Giving is another thing entirely.

"The pixie dust Gabe gave you?" Brutrumukk said. He chuckled at that. Though it was a warm sort of chuckle, devoid of any malice. "I'm not sure whether I should find it sweet that you think so 'ighly o' Gabe's gift or if I should be pissed off at the world fer not bein' nicer to you sooner... Ah what the 'Ells, I'll go with both."
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