Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Is this still happening?
The mood of the vampires immediately brightens upon hearing Kendra reveal her connection to Trinity. "Ah yes. Trinity did indeed call us out here tonight." The senior officer says as he sheaths his blade, the other vampires holstering their guns in turn. "She also asked us to tell you that this bailout settles the Debt you have on her." With that said, the senior officer turns to his colleagues. "Tyrone, cordon off the crime scene. Jeneice, radio in a healer from the Iron Guard." He orders. Both younger vampires nod at this. The black vampire with blond hair, presumably Tyrone, dons latex gloves and produces police tape. Meanwhile, the albino vampire with brown hair, Jeneice most likely, begins speaking into her radio. "If you would all kindly follow me downstairs, I just need to ask you a few questions and once we've got you all patched up you'll be free to leave." The older vampire reassures the group.
I'm going alright. Sorry for taking so long again. I'll have something out soon.

When Zavakri spoke up Brutrumukk looked to the sorceress as she spoke her cryptic words and her eyes turned into clocks. "...Fair enough I suppose." Brutrumukk said with a shrug once Zavakri was done talking. "Workin' fer this Law o' Time better pay well though. Elsewise it's gonna regret stiffin' me."

When Tsu answered his question, Brutrumukk looked at her in confusion. "Corn on the cob?" Brutrumukk asked. "No no, that ain't what I'm talkin' about. I'm talkin' about alley corn. You know, eunuch corn what can fly?"
I have just realized that I've been spelling a word wrong since the start of the game.

Brutrumukk tends to refer to Jub as 'booyagh', but really he should've been saying 'booyahg' the whole time.
Also...take a gander at this Short I found on YouTube. I'm dying...!

That... actually does make infinitely more sense.

Brutrumukk shrugged at Jub's words. "Eh, weirder things 'ave 'append since we got 'ere." Brutrumukk said. "It's just been one lot o' shenanigans after another from the moment we went through that mirror... Speakin' of..." Brutrumukk turned to address Tsu. "D'you know where we can find any alley corn?" The bugbear asked. "Before we came to this place, a pair o' clowns told us we 'ad to 'Find the alley corn an' free the Doormat Queen as last!'... Whatever that means. We've figured out that Zip-Ill-Nah's the Doormat Queen, but we still don't know nothin' 'bout the alley corn."
This is an unexpected turn of events.

You didn't expect that the guy with a fairy tale backstory would have a Fairy Godmother?

"Ahhh! So you're one of Lady Zybilna's godchildren!" Tsu exclaimed with a smile and a cheerful laugh.

"Zip-Ill-Nah?" Brutrumukk asked with a confused expression.

"The woman you just described, young bugbear, was Lady Zybilna herself!" Tsu explained.

"Excuse me," Jub spluttered after spit taking in surprise. "What did you just say?!"

"She just said that the woman what I was talkin' about is actually Zip-Ill-Nah 'erself." Brutrumukk repeated patiently. "Try to keep up, booyagh."
Ok he will swing at the person shoving him of you'll allow it.

Allow it I will.
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