Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

The time of japing is at hand! Soon the secrets of Garrock shall be the secrets of Skobeloff!
Take all the time you need. We can wait.
Your turn.
Having seen what a strike from Cascade can do, the attacker dodges the strike rather than attempting to block. "I think I can help just fine from here." The attacker said as he hefted his maul and prepared to strike. "You can yours will do no further harm to the Sultan's chosen while I draw breath!"


"I said I ain't talking about no corn on the cob, Mag damn it!" Brutrumukk declared, now slightly frustrated by Tsu mishearing his words for some reason. He paused a moment then to take a breath before continuing on. "Ok so it's like this: Eunuch corn is those 'orse things what have that one 'orn on their 'eads." Brutrumukk explained patiently. "An' alley corn is one o those 'orse things with the one 'orn on their 'eads, but it can also fly."
Can I knock an attacker into the one that's dragging Yosef away?

EDIT: Or wait! Maybe knock an attacker onto Yosef, and make dragging the red lizard away harder?

There is an attacker perfectly placed to do either of these things.

"The stronghold is this way." Skobeloff said as he led the way back to the Tessith Tree. "Keep an eye out as we get closer, the local pixies seem to hold dragonkind responsible for the island's ills. One of them attempted to confound me with pixie dust as I made my way there the first time." As he spoke, the wheels in the Trickster's head were turning. He'd accomplished a noteworthy task on his own, and now they were away from prying ears. Garrock's secrets were within his grasp, all Skobeloff needed now was an opportunity to seize them.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
Your time has come once again.
Ervdul's laughter eventually dies down a few moments after Flicker made their threat and struck down another attacker. "ARCHERS!" He calls out then. At the far end of the battlefield, the attackers' line of archers respond to this call by loosing a volley of arrows upon the party. Flicker is fast enough to avoid the worst of the squall, but everyone else isn't so lucky. Attackers and highwaymen alike fall around the party and even Yosef takes a few arrows, driving some of the life from him.

"Pull Yosef back!" Ervdul then orders a nearby pair of freshly arrived attackers. The attackers do as ordered. One advances on Jørmund and pushes the earth genasi back to keep him from interfering in the rescue. Jørmund is able to get a swing in though, taking down as the other attacker begins to drag Yosef away from the fight.

Meanwhile, the sight of Yosef being rescued restoes some of the left flank's nerve. They step forward again and resume their engagement, fighting to keep the highwaymen too busy to stop the rescue

I'll be ready to move on once Brut has concluded his comical corn conversation.

Either way, he'll be short resting to regain 11 hit points
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