Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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It was at that moment that Aura felt Hawk's presence within her mind. He had come upon something that he thought Aura should see.

Were she to heed her familiar's call and peer through his senses, she would see the attacking forces jumping into a large sinkhole that had formed in clearing within the forest they had emerged from and subsequently retreated back into. Ervdul was among them, watching as the last of the attackers carried the unconscious Yosef down into the hole. Once everyone else had gone through, Ervdul turned back a moment to glare balefully up at hawk. After a moment, Ervdul turned away and jumped down the sinkhole. A few seconds later, the sinkhole filled itself, leaving a bare patch of dirt as the only sign that anything was ever there.
NPC: Widdershins!
NPC 2: Ah yes! Widdershins!
Player Characters: WTF are Widdershins?!
NPC: Come now, Everybody knows Widdershins!

Brutrumukk: Yeah, everybody knows Widdershins! 'Ave you lot been livin' under a rock or somethin'?
Brutrumukk's Thoughts: Haha hahahahaha! I got no bloody idea what Widdershins are! An' I literally live under a rock!

"Suit yerself." Brutrumukk said with a shrug when Bloody Toes turned down the offer. "More blood fer the rest of us that way."

"You don't know Widdershins?" Vansel then spoke up when Jub revealed that he didn't know what Widdershins were. "Everyone knows Widdershins...."

"Yeah, fer some reason Widdershins ain't all that well known outside the Feywild." Brutrumukk explained to the satyr. "Weird I know, but it is what it is."

"Well, it's not something to get and show, it's something to do," Vansel continued. "I can do that for you, as long as you guys keep me safe and unharmed. Does that sound good?"

"I'll see to it that yer outta this place in one piece." Brutrumukk vowed. "So you go ahead an' show this lot 'ow it's done. I'd show 'em meself, but I ain't done it in a while, so I'm a little outta practice."

"She's allergic to Widdershins, eh?" Brutrumukk said while thoughtfully staring at the ceiling, despite not knowing what Widdershins actually were. "Good to know. That'll definitely come in 'andy when we pick a fight with Bav." Brutrumukk then returned his gaze to Bloody Toes and spoke again. "You said you 'ate Bav the most, yeah?" Brutrumukk said. "If that's so, I don't think any of us would mind if you wanted a crack at the 'ag as well."

I wouldn't say she's lazy...

...I would say it's more of a sense of Self-Preservation.

She's a redcap, which are pretty formidable on their own. She knows Bavlorna's weakness, which will make the hag much less formidable than she would be otherwise. And she'd have six other people backing her up, providing the strength and safety of numerical superiority.

A case could be made that she would have a good chance of taking out the one she hates the most and living to tell the tale if she helps out.

And before you go saying that she could have all of the reward and none of the risk by just staying in the kitchen, consider this: Would listening to a battle happening in a different room really be as satisfying as being there in the action, seeing the look on Bav's face as her weakness is exploited, and bathing in freshly spilled hag blood as seven people rip and tear until it is done?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

One lucky bugbear indeed!

Would Brutrumukk need to roll anything to know what Widdershins are?

Also, is Bloody Toes' hatred of Bavlorna strong enough that Brut could make a Persuasion check with advantage to convince her to help kill the hag?
Either Brut can roll as though he had advantage, or Gabriel can roll his own Deception check.

Even with advantage 8 is still the best Brut can do. He rolled a 6 this time.

"Yeah, that we do." Brutrumukk said once Gabriel was done talking, eager to be about the business of killing the hag. Both to complete his deal with the Wisps and to get back at Bavlorna for stealing all the alcohol. "We've got a lotta very... pointed questions fer that beer stealin' bitch."
Honestly judging by the way Bavlorna seems she also seems sick of this feywild bullshit too

I'm fairly certain the butcher is a redcap rather than a hag.
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