Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Does Brut see Mini Bav 3 now? If so, what does he see her as?
I will wait to see the results of Jub's spell before posting.
Jub's second attempt to use Tasha's Hideous Laughter on someone who is running away.

Hey I resent that! Brutrumukk wasn't running away. He was chasing fleeing enemies.

If you wanted to have Jub react to Brut pulling a Mini Bav out of the goblin head before the bugbear's next round of shenanigans, you're free to do so. If not, I'll have something up later this evening.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

That's done it.
Can you see it now?

Still blank to me for some reason.
@Guardian Angel Haruki
Could you refresh it again please? There's only a blank space where the map should be when I look at it.
@Dark Cloud

Wherever you think Jub is, he isn't there. He's riding on Brut's shoulder.
Aura and Cascade would find the leader of the highwaymen standing among those who had fallen during the battle. Though usually a dour scene, the mood of the area was lightened considerably by the fact that only those who had been felled by fire arrows had actually died. The vast majority of the highwaymen who had been struck down had merely been knocked unconscious. The simic hybrid was not busy when they found her, and so listened intently to Aura as she explained what she had seen. "I doubt any amount of digging would allow us to catch up to them." She said once Aura was done talking. "Some of the attackers couldn't escape and surrendered instead. From them, we've learned that they were slave soldiers of an efreet and a dao. They had been ordered to take over this campsite and use it as a capture ground for new slaves. Whatever hole you saw them jump into was most likely a portal back to the Elemental Plane of Earth."

When the leader of the highwaymen was done talking, a tabaxi that Cascade would recognize as Leaves on the Breeze approached. However, she is far from the jovial rhymer Cascade had faced off against before. With a heavy hearted expression, Leaves looked to Aura and spoke. "You were traveling with a human and an ooze, yes?" The tabaxi said. "Please come with me." If followed, Leaves on the Breeze leads the way to one particular bedroll. Rala sat next to this bedroll, looking down at the unmoving form of Plasm, who looked to be very badly burned. Her usually malleable form now charred and hardened. "I'm afraid your companion suffered terrible injuries during the battle. So terrible that not even magic can heal her." Leaves explained. "She will live. She will recover. But there is no telling how long it will take."
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