Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

@Dark Cloud

I too think that this shop is worth a look. Were Brutrumukk sober, this sentiment would have been expressed IC as well. But as it stands, Brut is far too busy being drunk to go shopping at the moment.
When Brutrumukk tied the Lornling, is he including the Lornling's arms & legs? Or is it just wrapped around the Lornling's torso?

Brutrumukk only intends to bind her sides, but will also bind other things that get in the way. If the arms were near the torso at the time, they'd be tied up as well. The legs would be left alone.

Also, if he doesn't need all 30 feet of the rope to tie up Mini Bav 3, Brut will hold onto the remainder like an unintentional makeshift leash.
Leaves on the Breeze nodded in response to Aura's request. "Your companion has suffered greatly in our defence." The tabaxi said. "We won't forget that. We will care for them for as long as they take to recover and we will contact you via Sending once they awaken." Leaves then turned to Rala and continued. "We need no payment for this." Leaves assured her. "They have paid more than enough through coming to this much harm while fighting for us. We might not be the most honest folk, but we don't abandon those who have done right by us. As for who did this..." Leaves paused for a moment, shuddering as she remembered something horrific. "Whatever patron your companion made their pact with... it did not take kindly to its warlock being brought low like this. Wherever the man who did this is, I am certain it is nowhere good."
@Guardian Angel Haruki @Fading Memory @Dark Cloud @Lurking Krog

Everyone, if I could have your attention for a moment. There is something I'd like to say.

A while back, I came into possession of £10. For a time, I didn't know what to do with it. Then I remembered that I was using generic bugbear art for Brutrumukk's picture and that @XxFellsingxX was a talented artist who drew their own artwork for Jub. So I decided it wouldn't hurt to see if they'd be partial to getting paid to draw a picture of Brut for me.

Fellsing agreed to draw the picture, but insisted on doing it for free.

This is what they came back with. Then, after generously offering to change a few things about it for me, they produced this absolute masterpiece that I am thrilled to have as character art for Brut.

Thanks again for doing this, Fellsing. You're the best!
I don't use Discord much either. If anyone would rather we head there, I can do that if it makes them happy. But the more we can keep things here, the happier I'll be personally.

I think I've got something of a handle on the rules, so here's my deets.

High Concept: Former Adventurer Anzat Noble
Trouble: Bored
I'll have a post up sometime tomorrow.

"Be careful with her, Brutrumukk." Jellybean Starfish said. "I have a feeling her sides are going to split if she keeps laughing."

"Hmm... Yeah, you 'ave a point there, Jellybean Starfish." Brutrumukk said while nodding sagely. "I'll tie 'er sides together to keep 'em from splittin'." With that said, Brutrumukk took the rope hanging from his backpack and tied it around the tiny old woman's sides, holding them in place so that her excessive laughter wouldn't cause them to split. "There we go. Much better." Brutrumukk said once the job was done.


An amused chuckle shook itself free of Skobeloff at Tamba's unhelpful factoid. One day, her knowledge and her tendency to say too much would shake the Moonlit Isles to their very foundations, he was sure of it. "It's alright, Fogdance." Skobeloff spoke up then as he made his way into the kitchen. "I know who's really behind all these disappearances." The drake then looked to the new arrivals and continued. "A creature of Darkness has come to the island. It's made its lair in the swamp. If your missing people are anywhere, they're probably there."


"Looks like we dropped by just in time" Skobeloff said to Garrock as the sound of Fogdance speaking with someone became audible. "Interesting things are afoot at the Tessith Tree." With that said, Skobeloff made his way closer to the kitchen to listen in on what was being said.
I'm doing alright. You?
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