Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

@Guardian Angel Haruki
I'll go ahead and spotlight Wild for you then.

No matter how powerful they become, wizards are still mortal men when you get down to it. And a few days ago, Harold Robinson, one of the oldest and most powerful wizards in Corvus Bay fell victim to this truth. Since it is the way of Power to snap up resources vulnerable or exposed, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest to hear that a vast majority of the Power community in Corvus Bay is gearing up to fight over the dead man's hoard of magical memorabilia.

I've rolled Snake Eyes for the opening move.
I think that the Q might actually be an O with one of those weird accent marks on it.

Would it be ok if I used the Harold Robinson plot hook again or would you rather I come up with something new?
It's a toss-up between either January and Qlni because she doesn't know either of them that well (if at all), but I'd say she's more likely to be wary of January.

I'll go ahead and spotlight Power for you then.

We will be doing the beginning our first session tonight or tomorrow.

In that case, I'll go ahead and declare that January trusts Vicky the least. His antiquated demeanor means he takes a dim view of escaped slaves. Plus, he's dealt with enough Vessels over the years to be wary for signs of their instincts taking over.
+ Bounty of Neptune

The waters around Corvus Bay are teeming with all manner of marine life. Many lucrative trades and businesses have sprung up around this fact. They range from those as natural as the fishing industry and scuba diving tours, to those as supernatural as Atlantean shipping and sea witch pact making. On top of this, the docks, beaches, and costal districts of the Bay are the only places in the city where not a single crow can be found. Their presence in the skies often violently challenged by flocks of seagulls that are shockingly determined to keep them out.
Just the same ugly taxi cab yellow clashing into the same nauseating gray over and over again until there's nobody left for it to offend?

I disagree with this assessment.

There is nothing ugly about taxi cab yellow. Nor is there anything nauseating about gray. Nor is there anything offensive about combining the two. Nor is there anything wrong with things being the same.

I for one deem the color scheme just fine as it is and find its consistency quite comforting.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

• Someone relies on you for their fix. They owe you a Debt.

Would you perhaps like to have this Debt? Being the well connected fellow he is, January would be of great assistance to your search.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Don't forget that you can add one extra point to your stats and one extra point to your factions.
@Lurking Krog

Part of your post was improperly formatted.
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