Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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There is a small formatting error at the end of your post.
I'll have something up soon.

Within the confines of his secluded apartment, January reclined on his couch while watching a surprisingly accurate documentary about the Roman Empire. After a moment though, he turned off the TV and sighed as he felt the demands of his Eternal Hunger grow evermore insistent. There could be no further delays. He needed blood and he needed it soon. But where to get it from? He considered going to Lucas Ryder like he usually did, but then he recalled what he had heard about Quincy from his agents. If his old friend had secured his own private reserve, then perhaps January would be better off seeing if he could get in on that rather than running the risk of indebting himself further to Ryder.

Before he could truly decide on a course of action though, a knock at the door caught January's attention. January heaved a sigh yet again as he pulled out his smartphone and opened his Ring app to see who was outside. He chuckled at the sight of Mathias Colby being divebombed by a crow before sighing a third time as the Tainted lawyer declared he had an important matter to discuss. January hated it when people came to his apartment for things like this. It was a place of residence, not a place of business. There was a reason he had his agents ensure the address of his favorite diner reached people in need rather than the address of his apartment. But even so, people would come and bang on his apartment door all the same.

After taking a moment to regain his composure, January activated the speaker on his doorbell camera and addressed the man outside. "Most important you say, Mr. Colby?" January asked. "And what would make it so important for a lawyer of EC&D to meet with me?"

So is Ǫlni just going to leave Sayeeda at the warehouse without any explanation of where he's going or what he's doing?

Also, did you make your session opening move?

I rolled a 5 for Ellsworth and a 9 for Dark.

Are Ellsworth and Dark also Wild?

I got a 7.

Which faction should I roll to name the face at January's door?
Ǫlni doesn't trust you much, since you were not made by dwarvish hands, and thinks you'll fall apart any moment. Make a rumor about mortality

You've got it mixed up a little. You don't tell the person you don't trust to make a rumor about a faction. It's the other way around.

Just noticed that Candy declared you the person she trusts the least one page back. Forget I said anything.
I just remembered that The Vamp's Web allows January to learn a secret about one of his debtors. One secret about Quincy please.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
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