Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Upon hearing the amazing joke the tiny old woman told, Brutrumukk, the drakes on his shoulder, and the entire conga line all burst into raucous laughter. "HAHAHAHAHA! HOO HOO HOO! OHOHOHOHOHO! That's the funniest thing I've 'eard in days!" Brutrumukk exclaimed.

"That it is." Skobeloff said as he got his laughter back under control. "But we should get back to the task at hand. Shieldwing is on the other side of this wall. All we need to do now is figure out how to get through it to reach him."

"Wait!" Shadowflowers suddenly called out, causing the conga line to grind to a halt. "This wall has got a door for the quest still. You did not see it because of the darkness, yes! There is no more that we need to discuss and right now is definitely the time for circumstances. Shieldwing is just this way."

"Well, you 'eard the lady." Brutrumukk said to the drakes and conga line. "Shieldwing is just this way. Conga!"

"Conga!" The conga line called back as Brutrumukk led the way to the door.

Once he had confirmed that there were no tricks in the paperwork, January considered his options. He could sign on the dotted line and take on the role of executor, a role that would most likely make him a target of everyone in Power who was gearing up to fight over everything of value Harold left behind and most definitely require January to put in no small amount of effort. Or he could pass up the request and let EC&D handle it, passing all that hard work onto someone who actually wants to do it and catching Colby in the web as an added bonus. But as much as January enjoyed the thought of avoiding work, he knew that doing so this time would mean disrespecting Harold's final request of him.

January was lazy. But he wasn't that lazy.

Taking up the fountain pen, January brought it to the papers and signed his name. He doubted that having the lawyer in his Debt would be of much use anyway. The partner between Ellsworth and Dark changed regularly enough to make any serious efforts to snag one of them a risky investment. "So what happens now?" January asked as he looked up from the freshly signed papers and back at Colby, carefully studying the man's reactions to the signing now that it has happened.


When Colby finished speaking, January took up the documents but left the pen on the table for the moment. The Fourth Survivor had dealt with demons and their Tainted enough times to know that when one of them gives you something to sign, you would do well to look before you leap. Thoroughly so. And that was precisely what January did. He read every word of every page, taking care to fully understand what he would be getting himself into if he signed, and also to sus out any devilish details hiding in the fine print.

"I apologize for bothering you at home. Mr Dark felt it shouldn't wait," Colby explains, a slight hard edge to the name of his senior partner.

"Oh it's no bother at all." January lied as he filed away the hostility he detected in Colby's tone for later consideration.

"Before he died Magus Robinson completed a fairly sophisticated will with us. Perhaps a little to sophisticated to be administered by a private individual. Regardless, it seems he has named you his executor."

"His... executor" January stated in shock. "Well that's certainly an unexpected turn of events... One you don't seem to approve of." As he spoke that last sentence, January's surprised expression shifted into a look of speculative curiosity as he left the unspoken question of why dangling in the air.

January remains silent as Colby speaks, the vampire's face bearing an expression of relaxed interest. But within his eyes, a glint of predatory calculation could be glimpsed as January schemed up ways of getting his hooks into the lawyer. At the mention of Harold Robinson, January tilted his head in curiosity. In decades past, January and Harold had adventured together across the city, facing dangers and saving the day on many an occasion. But after Harold turned away from street-level matters and set his sights on loftier goals, they had mostly drifted apart. They had still kept in touch on an irregular basis, trading pleasantries and favors every so often. But January had thought that was about it.

Apparently he was mistaken.

"You have my attention." January said while gesturing for Colby to elaborate.


Did you see my IC post?
Actually, scratch that I need to know what the tiny old woman's joke is first.
This would be Kim's Ringtone. XD

Is this an anime intro song?
This is January's ringtone.


Suppressing a chuckle as Colby finally shoos away the crow, January picks up one of many remotes on a small table beside the couch he reclined on. With the press of a button, the lock on the apartment door clicked open. "The door is unlocked." January invited. "Come on in. Feel free to help yourself to a soda from the mini-fridge in the hallway if you are so inclined."
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