Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Our illustrious Goblin captain
The Huntsman

In all the suddenness of the situation, in how much it had caught him off guard, and in seeing someone that reminded him so much of Snow White in danger, the Huntsman had allowed himself to be caught up in the situation. And as the men in black explained themselves and eventually surrendered, the Huntsman remembered that despite the violent reaction from the men, Ariel had been the one to strike first. "Ariel?" The Huntsman asked as he began to lower his weapons. "Why did you attack these men?"
I love it. XD
Drunkenness from Fey Alcohol = Fourth Wall Breaks. XD

I wouldn't call what Brut is doing a Fourth Wall break. He might be leaning on it a little at times, especially with the Epyllion crossover, but I wouldn't call it an actual break until he acknowledges that he's in a game.

"Stop the conga!" Brutrumukk exclaimed as came to an abrupt halt, causing the rest of the conga line to domino into the bugbear's back.

"What's wrong?" One member of the conga line asked as she righted herself.

"I've just been targeted by a castin' o' Tasha's 'ideous Laughter." Brutrumukk explained. "Now I gotta roll around on the floor an' laugh fer a bit."

"Alright. But don't take too long though." Skobeloff said. "We still need to get Shieldwing."

"Yeah, don't worry." Brutrumukk said. "I'll be as quick as I can." With that said, Brutrumukk dropped prone and began to roll around on the floor and laugh.
Trolls may become Magi, Fader, Arcanotechs, Monks, or Inquisitors, but lose their connection to Mother.

I get why the first four would sever the connection, what with them being magic and all, but why does joining the anti-magic organization also do that?
it was a hit though he did aim for a non-fatal spot

FYI, you can't do non-lethal damage with a ranged weapon.
That is... a lot xD

Fogdance had eleven. Granted, nine of them never hatched, but she did go on to say that that doesn't happen often.

Is he particularly close with any of them?

Skobeloff is particularly close to the two siblings who are also in Myndoth. An Elementalist named Cobalt and a Nature Adept named Marigold.

Skobeloff is close to his other siblings too, though not as close to them as these two.
In that case, I will say that he has ten siblings.
Is Skobeloff an only child or does he have siblings?

How many eggs does an affinity clutch produce in one go on average?
@rush99999 Also question I didn't consider: are the members of the affinity clutch who didn't become their Shadowselves still together?

Yeah, they're still together. They're also working to get their wayward clutchmates to return from their Shadowselves. They aren't keen on getting Skobeloff involved in the matter, but the Trickster often ends up learning their plans anyway and helps out where he can.
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