Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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"What supplies are you after?" The leader asked in response to Jørmund's question. "Because of last night's attack, we haven't really opened for business today. I can open the shops you need, but I'll need to know which ones you're after so I can pull their shop keeps away from clean up or find stand ins for the ones who are injured or hungover."
"Well to start off with, we have the traditional adventurer's payment of being made king for a day." The leader of the highwaymen said before fishing five platinum pieces from her pocket and giving one to each member of the party. "And then there is the matter of your share of the loot. We took everything of value from the attackers we killed or captured in battle. And after adding up how much we'll make from selling what we won't use, everyone who took part in the battle is getting a cut of the profit based on how much danger they faced." The leader of the highwaymen then produced five coin purses from the sack she was carrying. Flicker, Cascade, Aura and Rala each got a reasonably weighty purse of 150 gold pieces for their contributions. Meanwhile, Jørmund got a notably heavier purse of 200 gold pieces for putting himself a greater risk on the front lines.

Once the leader of the highway men had given them their gold, she stepped back and allowed mixer to approach with her potion bag. Mixer went over to Cascade, who she regarded a lot more happily due to perceiving her comments she made about Zing before the battle as compliments. "Mixer give you five-ten Zing bottles." Mixer said as she gave the potion bag to Cascade. "That three Zing bottles for each of you. No drink four though. Not safe. Sleep before bottle four. Then safe to drink three more."

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Quick question, do the reinforcements that were blocked by the fleeing crowd look like they might reignite hostilities once they are finally able to reach us?
I could have sworn I posted something here, but I guess I forgot to! Sorry!

No worries! It happens to everyone at some point.
Separa sounds cool.
Here are five fragmented memories from my guy:

"Things that bother you never bother me, I'm so happy and fine. Ha ha!"
A sea of combat lay ahead, and it was a thing of greatest marvel.
When the blade was finally sheathed, its wielder rested awhile among the fallen dead.
Mind is not paid to the banners being set up behind.
"Livin' in the sunlight, lovin' in the moonlight, havin' a wonderful time!"
Nifty idea. I'll go along with it if Proxy approves as well.

So from what I can extrapolate from the lore, there are four prerequisites for joining the Council of Captains.

1: You must be a captain.

2: You must be a close ally of Mandalthraxus.

3: You must be a sufficiently infamous pirate.

4: You must be a major supplier of some aspect of Kontina's economy.

Is there anything I'm missing?
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