Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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How is everyone doing? Excited to get into the story?

Yes and yes.
Nat 1
"If ye be wantin' the fine beer, the total comes up to one hundred fifty gold." The moonshiner said to the remaining party members as Aura and Cascade wandered off. "Or the common beer would bring the total to fifty two gold."

Some time after going off in search of the highwaymen's leader, the feeling of being watched formed in the back of Aura's mind as she walked through a quieter area of the campsite. No one nearby seemed to be watching her when she looked around though. Other than that, the search was uneventful and Aura found the leader soon after without any further incident.

Cascade wouldn't have to look far to find things she could use to decorate her work. As she moved by the general goods stall, the glint of sunlight reflecting off of something shiny drew Cascade's gaze to a collection of small glass pots. Within each of these pots is a glistening powder that sparkles quite nicely in the sun. "What ho, paladin!" A new voice called out a friendly greeting. "I cannot say it surprises me to see you already eyeing up the powdered silver." The new arrival was a towering giff male, who strode over to the general goods stall and stood behind it. "Lucas Willingdon, general merchant." The giff introduces himself with as charming a smile as a hippo man could manage. "And before you ask, the powdered silver costs twenty five gold pieces per pot."
btw I'm poisoned. Does that mean I have disadvantage when rolling initiative?

I believe so.
Brutrumukk rolls a 15 to resist the harpoon and a 13 for initiative.
"Well the five bottles'll be costin' ye fifty gold in total." The moonshiner said. "As for the barrel o' beer. That depends on what kind o' beer you want. A barrel o' common beer costs two gold and a barrel o' fine beer costs a hundred gold."
@rush99999 Sorry that was a bad choice of wording!

No need to apologize. I know you meant nothing by it.
Dibs on the infiltrator.
Chwegwn emerged from a Tangles exit near the arena's entrance, his newly acquired Lybarim doctor in tow. All six of Chwegwn's bodies had their new guns tucked neatly away in their reinforced jackets, and the body leading the way was also carrying the small ransom of gemstones within their jacket's confines.

"Today is a good day, Doc." Chwegwn said as they led the way through the crowd. "I'd been hesitant to go out and actually do some piracy without a doctor to patch up any injuries, and now the crew not only has its doctor but also a way into Kontina's drug trade through your manufacturing talents. On top of that, after I blew away that Magus Leadbelly sent me to steal from, the bonus she'll give me for killing him will earn me a little gambling money for the arena bookies. With any luck, I'll be walking out a little bit wealthier than when I walked in."
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