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Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
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9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
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Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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I did bro. I know what he's doing. 😂

Well clearly you did not. Otherwise, you would have noticed that Brutrumukk only threw a day's worth of rations into the water, not three days.
Bro really threw three days worth of rations into the water.

You might wanna read that post again.

Brutrumukk paused as he felt the thorn bounce off of him, then turned towards the tree as he heard the giggling and the voices. Though he couldn't understand what they were saying, it seemed that the rest of the conga line could.

"Wait, what do they mean by letting the circle of life and death take its course?" One asked.

"Maybe they're hungry and just want some fish!" Another surmised.

"Ooh! Maybe if we gifted them some fish, they'll join us in the conga line!" A third suggested.

"That sounds absolutely splendid!" A fourth exclaimed.

"I suppose we're off to do some fishin' then." Brutrumukk said as he drew a javelin for use as a fishing spear.

"Ok. But let's try and get this done fast though." Skobeloff said. "We still need to find Shieldwing."

"Right right." Brutrumukk confirmed with a nod. "Don't worry. This shouldn't take too long. Cong-"

"Don't forget Jellybean Starfish!" Stargaze interrupted the resuming of the conga. "He's your friend right?"

"Right right." Brutrumukk said before heading over to Jellybean Starfish and hoisting him onto his usual spot on the bugbear's shoulder. "There we go. Now then... where was I?"

"Conga." A member of the conga line reminded him.

"O' course. Cheers." Brutrumukk thanked the conga liner. "Conga!"

"Conga!" The conga line exclaimed in response as Brutrumukk led the conga onto the skiff and rowed out onto the water.

Once there, Brutrumukk threw a day's worth of rations into the water to serve as bait, took up a ready position with his javelin, and waited. Then, when he saw a tasty looking fish swim close by the skiff, Brutrumukk struck.
1) Keep the roll you just rolled,

I'll go with this one.
Roll a d100 for me please. ^_^

Would a Survival roll of 12 land him a catch?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

If Brutrumukk were to go spear fishing on the water, would using some rations as bait provide advantage, thereby counteracting the disadvantage from being drunk?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

You gonna mention how Brut's drunk vision filters this encounter to him or will you be leaving that up to me?
@Lurking Krog Probably something the dm will have to tell us whether they care about us doing this or not, but I will gladly pitch in

I care about everything the party does.
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