Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

I'll post in a minute

I think it's still Krog's turn. I only posted to make the pushing of Jub happen IC. Sorry if that was the cause of the confusion.

Confusion and pain. That was what Brutrumukk awoke to when he felt Jub's hand jostling his shoulder. His waterlogged lungs were screaming for air and the harpoon wounds were all to eager to make their presence known now that the bugbear was able to feel pain again. And to make matters worse, the dangerous situation he had so suddenly found himself in was more than enough to sober him up. So now he was also hungover and could barely remember the events that led up to this moment. Something about... drakes? But there was no time to think about that now.

In front of him, Brutrumukk saw that a pair of monstrous looking fish things that sort of looked like Palasha were bearing down on him with hunger in their eyes. Brutrumukk immediately got the sense that the skiff would be his best bet at survival. But before he could disengage and make for the surface, one of the monsters lurched forward to attack with a downward swipe of its claws. Brutrumukk raised his shield and readied himself to block the blow. But the blow never came. Instead the swipe turned into a grab, the monster's claws dug into the shield and held it in place. By the time Brutrumukk realized its reasoning for doing this, the claws on the monsters other hand were already punching clean through the bugbear's chest. Brutrumukk didn't even need to look down to know how bad it was.

He was already dead.

Brutrumukk wasn't all that bothered by it though. Since Skiggaret hadn't had enough time to take hold of him before the end, Brutrumukk actually had the chance to enjoy the fact that the end had come and soon he would be fighting the Eternal War against Gruumsh's lot, alongside his gods and his old gang. It was pretty annoying that he was dying now though. He had wanted to save his Fairy Godmother from the hags' shenanigans, but he was fairly certain his companions could make it the rest of the way without him. Speaking of...

Brutrumukk took hold of Jub one last time and shunted him back up towards the surface. Using the last of his strength, Brutrumukk had left Jub with a simple ten foot swim to safety. Strength well spent. As the monsters teeth closed around his neck, Brutrumukk closed his eyes and a peaceful yet eager grin settled onto his features.

He could already hear the iron cubes of Acheron clanging together and the din of the endless battle that he would soon join.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

BTW, was Brutrumukk out of drunk vision in those last moments before he lost consciousness?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

I rolled a 14 and will use the Boon of the Will-o'-Wells to add a +3. So that will be a 17 in total.
@Guardian Angel Haruki
Could Brutrumukk do something before he falls unconscious? If so, he would like to push Jub upwards and back towards the skiff.
@Lurking Krog @Birdboy @XxFellsingxX
"Hmm..." The moonshiner hummed as he considered the request. "...Well you did lend a helpin' hand with that attack." He said after a moment. "Alright. How does a hundred gold fer yer entire shoppin' list sound?"

@Guardian Angel Haruki
"Two pots of the powdered silver." Lucas confirmed as he took the gold and produced the silver. "Thank you for your purchase, madam. Was there anything else you wished to buy?"

"Of course." The leader of the highwaymen said. "A wagon and two draft horses would cost you a hundred and thirty five gold and let you lug around four thousand eight hundred pounds of people and prizes. That sound agreeable to you?"

@Cao the Exiled
Darkness, silence, and cold. That was all that Plasm knew once the blinding light and the searing heat subsided along with the din of battle. Plasm could see nothing, hear nothing, feel nothing, smell nothing, taste nothing. How long Plasm had been in that nothingness for, there was no way of telling. Moments? Months? A year? A lifetime? It was impossible to tell. But it didn't last forever. A tiny light appeared in the darkness, and with it a mote of warmth. Drawing closer to the source of these new stimuli, Plasm would find a hole in the darkness no larger than an inch in diameter. Through which glimpses of the outside world could be caught. A way out! With but a moment of work, Plasm was free of the darkness and back in the highwayman campsite.

"Sister!" A voice called out in joyous bliss. If Plasm cared to look, the source of the voice would be found to be a disheveled male svirfneblin with a pickaxe in his hands, a crazed look in his eyes, and no clothes on his body. A pair of highwaymen were grappling the deep gnome, pulling him away from Plasm's proximity. "Juiblex sees you! Juiblex knows you!" The gnomish nudist exclaimed. "JuIbLeX lOvEs YoU!" With those final words, the svirfneblin turned into a misty cloud. The pickaxe he held clattered to the ground as the mist rose into the air, climbing higher and higher until it was eventually too far up to be seen.

"By the gods..." One of the highwaymen said as he watched the gaseous form float away.

"Are you ok?" The other highwayman asked Plasm. "When he took that pickaxe to your face, we thought he was trying to kill you." He gestured towards the bedroll Plasm had been lying down on. A heat hardened husk of Plasm's form during the fight lay there still, its face bearing the hole through which Plasm escaped the darkness.

Plasm's going to rise from their sick bed all like...

That's pretty close actually.
I'll have something for you all within the hour.
@Lurking Krog
Nah, the moonshiner will agree to it without much fuss as thanks for the party's assistance during the attack.

I'll have an IC post done before the day is out.
I want to be clear and ask right now if you have any hostility towards me.

The DM asked the infamous warning question when you announced your intention to cast Sleep. You pressed on regardless.

As a result, I don't get a turn and Brut is now at the mercy of a pair of merrow.
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