Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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@rush99999 We should collaborate!

Great minds think alike it seems. I'm planning on making a clown too, though she's a hexblade warlock rather than a bard.
I think Aura had already rejoined with everyone, since she did speak with Rala.

Through Hawk.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

A ban on Enchantment turning into a ban on Entertainment? Time for a spot of Kingslaying says I.
Room for one more?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

I just noticed that Bedknobs and Broomsticks is one of the stories we might come across in Camelot, and that has me wondering something now. Does that mean that the Nazi Party is present in this setting?
The Huntsman

Using both the description and the name that Ariel provided, the Huntsman tried to finally put a finger on where this Prince Eric could be found. But as he pondered he found his thoughts constantly going back to the description Ariel gave of Prince Eric. Aside from the blue eyes, that was precisely what the Huntsman imagined Snow White would look like today if she were born a boy. And that quickly got the Huntsman thinking more and more about Snow White. What was she doing at the moment? Was she doing well? When he had last seen her, it was to say goodbye to her before he set out on this journey. She'd been so saddened by the news. He hoped he could get back soon. With any luck, he'd be able to find and deal with the right spellcaster before too long and get the call to return home that the Queen said she'd send once the caster he'd been sent out to find was dead.

The Huntsman shuddered then at the thought of the Queen. Was she treating Snow White well? Though she had seemed to ease up before he left, the Queen's jealousy had barely been held at bay by the assurances of the magic mirror before that. Many times, he had wondered if soon he would be getting the orders he had been dreading since the very first murder he had been forced to commit on the Queen's orders. The Huntsman wondered if he would have been able to defy those orders, or if his fear of the Queen would have won out over his love of Snow White...

The Huntsman was pulled from his thoughts by Mabel declaring that Tirasea was where Prince Eric lived. "Tirasea." The Huntsman said. "I know it's a costal kingdom, but not much more than that. It should be easy to find on a map of the world now that we know its name though."
@Dark Cloud @Cao the Exiled

She's talking about you.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Is Ariel's description and name helpful enough to count as a help action? If so, I roll a 20. If not, I roll a 2.
Chwegwn noticed his new doctor tense at the sight of movement in a nearby alleyway. While that was certainly a justified response to such things in a place like Kontina, Chwegwn was fairly certain Adrian would have jumped at that shadow regardless of whether he was here or in the safest place in the world.

"Relax, Doc. No one's gonna try anything here." Chwegwn said. "And even if they did, it wouldn't go very well for them while you're with me." Chwegwn made that claim with with a tone of total confidence. After seeing what even one of his new guns could do. Chwegwn walked with a considerably larger measure of boldness to his step. One gun could shred a target in moments, and all six of them could wash away all but the most resilient foes in a river of leaden death within the time it took to blink. The Goblin was confident that anyone he wanted dead would die. Anyone who wished to harm his new doctor was definitely someone that Chwegwn wanted dead.
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