Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

The Huntsman

"A tall, dark haired, blue eyed, prince?" The Huntsman said as he moved to join Ariel and Mabel. He looked thoughtful for a moment as he tried to put a name to that description, but the details Ariel had given weren't enough for the Huntsman to draw any concrete comparisons. He did know for certain that it wasn't any royalty from his homeland though. "Ebenholm only has a princess, so you won't find him there." The Huntsman said. "Does this prince have a name?"
And today I have just learned that Os look like Qs when I view this site on my phone.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

@Crimson Flame
What is this QUAT you speak of?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Are there a lot of tall, dark haired, blue eyed princes out there or would it be easy to conclude that Prince Eric is the man Ariel is describing?
The Huntsman will join you as well. From what he's been told about the folks running this empire, they sound like the sort of people he'd rather not meet.

Also, if Mabel and Ariel are heading off somewhere together, they'll definitely be needing someone with a level head there to keep them from causing mass mayhem.
Post made. Very tired right now, so I don't know if its a good one. Edits and corrections will be made tomorrow if need be. For now though, I sleep.
@Cao the Exiled
"We're as confused about 'im as you are." One of the highwaymen said in regards to the svirfneblin that had pried Plasm from her shell. "Certainly weren't one of ours."

"As for your gear, you'll find it over there." The other highwayman said while gesturing over to a nearby table on which lay Plasm's belonging. "Some of your things may be a little crispier than when you last saw them, but are otherwise unharmed. We saved what we could and replaced what we couldn't. I don't think anything of sentimental value needed to be replaced, so have no fear on that front."

@Lurking Krog
"This Warforged Officer Unit bears the numerical designation 670237 and is referred to colloquially as 'Grocer' among humanoid comrades." The warforged ground out in response to Jørmund's greeting. "One such comrade is one Paxton Truter. You may recall saving his life in the opening stages of the battle. This unit counts Paxton as a closer comrade than most. Though this unit knows that you have already been paid for your efforts, this unit feels the need to reward you further. This unit has brought you a chest enchanted to ensure any foodstuffs stored within its confines remain clean and disease free no matter how long they are kept for. This unit believes the chest will bu imminently useful to you as it will allow you to keep the fruit you intend to purchase fresh for as long as you desire."

Aura would not need to wait long for Bull to return with the purchased wagon and horses. "One two horse open wagon ready to roll!" The minotaur declared.

"A swift worker as always, Bull." The leader of the highwaymen said. "Help the adventurers load up their things, then take a break for an hour before rejoining the clean up efforts."

"Right right." Bull said before turning to Aura. "Climb on. I'll have you back to your friends and ready to go before you know it."

Rala looks about her, but can see no sign of anything out of the ordinary.
Dibs on one of the feds.
Today was a bit more hectic than I expected it to be, so I was unable to post today. Things should be calmer tomorrow though. I'll try to post then.
All is well on my end.
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