Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

Expect a DM post some time tomorrow.
You are free to roll anything you want at any time you want.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
Edits have been made to your slice of the latest DM post. In my drowsiness and haste to get a post done before I passed out, I forgot about Cascade's request for glue, but Lucas wouldn't have. Sorry for the confusion.
@Cao the Exiled
Plasm's search of her Cerebral Library only reveals the most commonly known details regarding Juiblex. That being that Juiblex is the Demon Lord of slime and ooze, a noxious creature that cares little for the plots and schemes that the more powerful types of demon are usually so fond of. It exists only to consume, digesting and transforming living matter into more of itself.

As for the skull, Plasm can find no damage when she checks in on it. However, she does notice something off about it... and herself... and everything else that is currently in contact with her body too. It seems that everything Plasm touches takes on a measure of her amorphous nature. Plasm gets the feeling that she will no longer need to be wearing and carrying nothing to make use of her knack for squeezing through small spaces. Though the things Plasm touches gain only a measure of her amorphous nature, not all of it. Plasm feels that she would do well not to spend too much time in tight spaces if she decides to take all her things with her, lest she suffer painful consequences.

Plasm then finds herself pulled from her thoughts by one of the highwaymen waving a hand in front of her eyes. "Hello?" The highwayman in question says. "Anyone in there?"

"I think that is enough for the intended purpose. Can we also purchase some feed for the horses. Ya know, beast gotta eat too."

"We do have feed for sale, but I'll give you a week's supply for free as a token of appreciation for your party's assistance in fending off the attack." The leader of the highwaymen says to Aura.

"Do I pay you or?"

"Yeah you can give me the coin for the wagon and horses." The simic hybrid answers Aura's question. "I'll get it where it needs to go."

"I have kegs of booze that need to be picked up so if everything could be ready as soon as possible. I am ready to get the heck out of here. No offence intended of course just don't like staying in one place for too long."

"No offense taken." The leader reassures Aura as gold changes hands. "I've dealt with enough adventurers to know that itchy foot of yours isn't meant as an insult... Bull!" At the leader's call, Bull - who was assisting in clean up efforts nearby - perks up and looks towards its source, smiling in recognition as he sees Aura too. "Find a spare wagon and a pair of drafts."

"Right right." Bull confirms before moving off to do that.

"We'll have your ride ready for you as quickly as we can." The leader tells Aura.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
"Tents and adhesive." Lucas summarises while tapping his chin thoughtfully. "Yes, I should have both of those. Let me see here..." The giff falls quiet for a moment as he begins to rummage around the stall in search of something. "...Ah! There you are." Lucas rises with a bundle of collapsed tents in his arms, more than enough for each party member to have their own tent. "Each tent I have here costs two gold and is big enough for two people." He says to Cascade as he sets the bundle down on the counter. "And as for adhesive..." Lucas vanishes into his stockpile once more. When he emerges, he does so carrying a seven ounce jar. "I have here a jar of something called Princeling Glue." Lucas says as he sets it down next to the bundle of tents. "It is the result of trying to make Sovereign Glue through mundane means. While not as strong as its legendary magical counterpart, it is still fairly formidable. And much more affordable too, one jar only costs five gold."

@Lurking Krog @Birdboy @XxFellsingxX
The moonshiner laughs good-naturedly at Rala's comment. "I'll drink to that!" He exclaims. "Or I would if I wasn't currently severely hungover from all the drinkin' I did last night."

It was then that the sound of heavy footfalls and the clunk of heavy armor becomes audible. Those who look to the source of the sound would see the warforged who was leading the defenders last night approaching the stalls. An iron chest inscribed with various arcane markings sits in the construct's arms. The warforged marches over to the grocer's stall, stands behind it, places the chest down on the counter, and waits silently for a customer to approach.
Sorry for taking so long. I'll have something up some time tomorrow.

Upon noticing what replenishing the forest had cost Fogdance, a wave of remorse immediately crashed over Skobeloff. If he had known that was the price that needed to be paid, he never would have suggested performing the ritual. Shortening Fogdance's lifespan to bring about something that would have come to be on its own given enough time was a raw deal if Skobeloff had ever heard one. And it was all his fault. He'd been the one to insist on the ritual, and now Fogdance would be aging sooner than she was meant to because of him.

In an attempt to take his mind off what he had done, Skobeloff tried to enjoy the view. He tried to look out across the Moonlit Isles as he flew over them. He tried to take in its beauty and perhaps glimpse some insights into how to unlock its secrets or from where next the Darkness might strike. But again and again, his thoughts returned to the consequences of his impatience. Unable to concentrate, Skobeloff learned nothing from his surveying as a profound feeling of gloom set into the rawscale Trickster's mind.

Can confirm that this is exactly what would cross Tsak's "teenaged" mind.

Teenaged? I thought she was 29.
If it's any consolation, Jub's going to be too busy blaming himself to be upset with Gabe

Why would Jub be blaming himself?
@Cao the Exiled
It's on page one of the IC tab.
@Fionponk9 is a bot.
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