Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Brutrumukk upon discovering his transformation:

Brutrumukk gave a confused look at Jub's offer of his wizard cloak, only for the feeling of a breeze on places that should have been clothed to clear up that confusion a moment later. It wasn't his companions that got so big, it was he that had become so small. So small that his old clothes no longer fit. Even so, Brutrumukk waved off the offer. "No need to worry 'bout that." Brutrumukk said dismissively. "Me fur'll keep... me... warm?" Brutrumukk trailed off as he noticed the arm he was waving away the offer with looked different. While it was still very hairy, the arm was no longer covered in fur. "What 'appened to me arm?" Brutrumukk asked before looking down at the rest of himself to find that his whole body was now similarly hirsute yet furless. "What 'appened to the rest o' me?!" Brutrumukk asked with slowly mounting dread, before gasping as he realized how different his voice sounded. "Me voice! Me voice! What's 'appened to me?!" Brutrumukk exclaimed in fear as he stumbled back over to the lake, beheld his reflection in the water, and screamed in abject horror.
@rush99999 Roll a general Intelligence check for Brutrumukk for me please. ^_^

So....From Persona 4 Uncle Dojima to Argus Filch?

More like from Nemesis Orc #3 to Walder Frey.
@rush99999 it's nice that you didn't just die for nothing. But also I question is Brut's vocal range still the same?

I'd say Brut's gone from sounding like JB Blanc to sounding like David Bradley
However, this also means no more shoulder goblin, and that is the greatest tragedy of all :(

A great tragedy indeed.
My main takeaways are that 1. Brutrumukk's going to need some new character art

Fellsing, you're a dream machine.

and 2. ofc Brutrumukk's still taller than Jub.

Actually, they're the same size now. I rolled for Brut's new height and weight on 5etools and the height came up 3'4

When Brutrumukk awoke, he awoke with an angry roar. He sprung to his feet and pointed accusingly at the ground. "Fuck you, Hruggek! An' fuck you Grankhul!" Brutrumukk bellowed furiously. "Fuck you, Skiggaret! Fuck you, Khurgorbaeyag! Fuck you, Nilbog! Fuck you, Nomog-Geaya! Fuck you, Bargrivyek! AN' FUCK YOU, MAGLUBIYET! Just you wait! Just you fuckin' wait! Jub'll be the bestest booyagh in the entire fuckin' multiverse! An' when 'e is, I'll come see you again an' laugh in yer faces! DO YOU FUCKIN' 'EAR ME DOWN THERE? I WILL FUCKIN' LAUGH IN YER FUCKIN' FACES!" Brutrumukk then unleashed a wordless yell of anger upon the sky before looking around for Jub.

Only to find that all of his companions were now taller than him.

"What in the..." Brutrumukk said in confusion. "When did you lot get so tall?"
clowns are pretty hard to miss, aren't they?

Only when they're in costume. My character only wears her clown garb when performing at the Entertainment Speakeasies.

Still, gotta see what your and Birdboy's characters backstories are. XD

I already know what my character's backstory is. I just need to type it up. Expect to see it sometime tomorrow.
There are most likely going to be wanted posters out for both of your characters already.

The Valerite Fun Police just that good at what they do? O_O
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