Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Do you think she would even join the 'giggle gang'?

While I do think she would have made guest appearances at Giggle Gang shows as often as she could, I don't think Miss Light would have been able to commit to official membership due to her warlock duties keeping her busy. After Widry sent the Giggle Gang away though, I imagine Miss Light would have found a way to clear her schedule and become a full time companion to Widry in the interest of assisting her efforts to rescue the imprisoned Giggle Gang member.
@Guardian Angel Haruki
I'm glad you like it. I wasn't too sure about the idea when I originally came up with it, and I was still a tiny bit unsure when I made the post. But your approval has reassured me. Thanks for that.

I like your character. I can imagine Miss Light being the straight man woman for Widry's wise guy girl antics.
I'll try and think of something to post... not honestly sure what Flicker should do though ^^;

If you're still having trouble I think I know something that you could post about that would also earn you inspiration.

If I recall correctly, Flicker enjoys cooking, yes? Well with the grocer and the general merchant both within reach, this is a golden opportunity to purchase some ingredients.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

By the power of the Natural 20, the Huntsman now has total and perfect historical knowledge of the daughters of Triton.
That they are.
Events conspired to make me post this later than I said I would. Sorry about that.

The Huntsman

The Huntsman surveyed the shopping district as he took stock of his supplies and coin. Though he had tried to pay for the tavern food, the waitress just wanted them gone by that point and said it was on the house, leaving him with the same ten gold pieces he had come here with. All he had to figure out now was how to spend it. A map of the Empire was a must, so that was one gold spent right there. Since a world map cost five gold and he wasn't sure how much coin Mabel had, the Huntsman resolved to pay for at least some of the map. Other than that, he was pretty well stocked on food and arrows and he lacked the coin to purchase better armor, so he figured he'd just follow the girls' lead and see if anything took his interest from there.

Speaking of the girls, the Huntsman noticed that Ariel was attracting attention from the locals. He smiled fondly as he watched a man offer a flower. The sight reminded the Huntsman of when he used to take Snow White out to the forest. As they rode through the town outside the castle, the common folk would often approach with gifts for the little princess. Snow White was truly beloved by the people of Ebenholm. Before he could slip too deeply into reminiscing about Snow White again, the Huntsman noticed Ariel about to eat the flower she had been offered. Before she could though, the Huntsman managed to intercept the hand carrying the flower, gently blocking its path forward. "I would advise against eating flowers. Some types can make you ill if you eat them." The Huntsman explained. "Buy a blank book while we're here and I'll show you something you can do with flowers."

When Ariel noticed the magic shop, the Huntsman noticed the unease with which she reacted to the sight. He couldn't tell why she was reacting in such a way though. "I think I shall join you. See what curiosities they have on offer." The Huntsman said as he moved to follow Ariel. As much as the cowardly part of him didn't want to find out what was making her so uneasy, the rest of him felt that he should be nearby in case Ariel found more trouble or more trouble found Ariel.
The dice have decided that the Huntsman is a little quicker than Ariel. He has successfully plucked the flower out of her hand before she can eat it.

Could the Huntsman gently catch Ariel's hand before it can bring the flower to her mouth instead? The Huntsman isn't trying to take the flower, he's just trying to stop Ariel from eating it.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Could I roll to stop Ariel before she eats the flower?
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