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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Brutrumukk gets to keep Goblin as one of his language proficiencies, along with gaining Gnomish as a language proficiency.

Would that 16 also allow him to keep his proficiency in stealth?
People would probably call him a clown because of the way he acts. However, he is not one.

He may not start as clown. You may not even intend for him to be clown. But he will become clown. Make no mistake.

This is a clown game. Clown is inevitable. Honk honk. >: 3
Also, if the other two don't join up. I may make an old man, who knows things and drinks.

Way of the Drunken Master clown monk?
Count me in.
I would be really funny if everyone did make a clown character though.
ngl that did somewhat cross my mind xD

Only somewhat? Because if cleric isn't a class you enjoy, I've got plenty of other suggestions. Such as...

Maverick Specialty clown artificer.
Path of Wild Magic clown barbarian.
Genie Order of the Profane Soul clown blood hunter.
Way of the Drunken Master clown monk.
Oath of Redemption clown paladin.
Wild Card Archetype clown rogue.
Wild Magic Origin clown sorcerer.
School of Enchantment clown wizard.

These are but a small sample of the many possible clowns (otherwise known as PCs) that you could create. Feel free to use any of these suggestions. Or forgo them entire and craft a clown of your own design. Any clown is possible in D&D!
... Have no idea what kind of character I'd play xD

Trickery Domain clown cleric?
The Huntsman

Azul Ashengrotto's initial comment about receiving royal customers confused the Huntsman. Ariel's revelation that she was the royal customer and a daughter of Triton left the Huntsman stunned. In the past, the Huntsman had read books of old myths to Snow White. Some of these myths concerned the merfolk, a race of ocean dwellers with the upper forms of humans and the lower forms of fish. If Ariel was one of them, then the Huntsman had found the hero from the depths mentioned in the Magic Mirror's rhymes. But that wasn't what loomed large in the Huntsman's mind. Instead, it was the realization that Ariel was royalty, and that all this time the way he'd been acting towards her had been completely unbefitting of someone of her status. This realization shocked him into complete silence as the scene continued around him.
Might actually do that, if that doesn't slow things down too much.

You should be good on that front.
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