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Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
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9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
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Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Miss Light

'The woman holding the books. Thou shalt aid her.'

'Seems like we will be doing that regardless of your orders.' Miss Light thought in reply as she heard Grimi announce his intentions to show the 'late patrons' to their 'rooms'.

'Be mindful of the genasi. Thou shalt not reveal my presence to her unless absolutely necessary.'

'I take it she would not be happy to see you again?' Miss Light inquired despite already knowing what Arkerym was going to say.

'Concern thyself not with the irrelevant. Thou shalt aid the woman holding the books.'

'Of course.' Miss Light complied, stepping aside as Grimi approached the entrance to the King's Chamber to allow him to lead the way down. Once everyone else who was following Grimi had passed her, Miss Light followed the group down the stairs and into the speakeasy.

As Grimi began handing out costumes, Miss light didn't bother stepping forward to collect one. She was already wearing hers. Instead, she simply pulled down her hood, revealing her face and the half-mask covering the side of her head that had been withered as a mark of the pact she had made with Arkerym. Normally she would have done away with the cloak entirely at this point, but Miss Light refrained from doing so this time to keep Arkerym hidden from the genasi.

Just so you know, you don't need to mention all of us every time you post. The tread subscription button gives us all the notification we need.
Ok I got a post alnost done just waiting to get to my house to post

Does something prevent you from posting it from where you are now?

Yes, I don't know, and yes.

"Cheers." Brutrumukk said in grateful response to Jub's magic drying his things. As they continued on, Brutrumukk decided that since he'd be staying like this for a time, he might as well take stock of what he had gained from this. If nothing else, it would take his mind off what he'd lost for a time. After a moment of pondering himself, Brutrumukk realized three things about himself.

The first thing was that though the kind of cunning he was used to was no longer there, Brutrumukk realized that it hadn't left him. Rather, it had changed. Instead of having a good mind for stealth, he now had a mind that could more easily shrug off magic. Something that could come in handy if he ran into that kenku again... Assuming of course that he ran into it again before turning back into a bugbear, that is.

The second thing was that while he was no longer proficient in stealth, he could tell there was still something he could do to aid his sneaking efforts. But he didn't know exactly what that was just yet. He knew he'd find out once he had a bit of fleece though.

Finally, there was something he had noticed the moment he'd woken up, but had been too caught up in the horror of his transformation to actually take in until now. When he heard the sounds that were being made by small creatures, he could understand the gist of what those sounds were meant to convey.

Brutrumukk knew that final thing was the racial ability that most forest gnomes favored above all. Forest gnomes loved animals and often kept squirrels, badgers, rabbits, moles, woodpeckers, and other creatures as beloved pets... Where did that come from?

Brutrumukk was certain he hadn't known that before. He took a moment to ponder his mind and realized that there were quite a few things in there that he didn't know before. Turning into a gnome had made him more intelligent!

Sensing an opportunity in this, Brutrumukk searched through these newfound pieces of trivia to see if he knew a way to turn himself back. Sadly, he new knowledge offered no easy solutions. Even the spell that had changed him into this was beyond Jub's current ability. And even if it were, there was no guarantee it would turn him back into a bugbear. The only way out was to get someone powerful enough to wish him back to normal to do so without fucking him over. The hag remained his best bet to a speedy solution.

Brutrumukk was pulled from his thoughts by the sight of a skiff moving back and forth between a pair of docks without anyone on it to make it go. "That boat don't got no one steerin' it." Brutrumukk remarked to Jub. "So I'm sure no one'll mind if we change that."
Roll either a History or Arcana check.

I just remembered that Brutrumukk is now slightly smarter thanks to being a gnome. Would a 15 reveal anything?
Miss Light

'Don thy cloak. Thou shalt go to the bar.'

Arkerym's orders were - as they always were - concise, to the point, and utterly lacking in an explanation as to why he gave them. Miss Light had long since learned that she would get more of an explanation from following the order than questioning it, so she took up her cloak, draped it over her shoulders, clasped it tight around her, and pulled up the hood to hide the colorful garb that lay beneath. What few customers that were still present after the latest show, lifted their tankards to her as she passed by in appreciation of the entertainment she had provided for them. Soon enough, Miss Light emerged out into the bar.

'The woman holding the books. Thou shalt... hold.'

Miss Light did as instructed and held. As she held, she heard the woman make mention mention the Legion of Needles and Thorns. 'The Legion of Needles and Thorns?' Miss Light thought to herself. 'Who are they that inspire such scorn?'

'Concern thyself not with the irrelevant. Thou shalt observe the genasi.'

Miss Light's eyes swept over the room, quickly settling on the watery woman who was now approaching the book woman. 'Who is she?' Miss light queried her patron.

'I know her face. Thou shalt observe the genasi.'

Despite the unsatisfying answer Arkerym gave, Miss light knew pressing him for more details would be a futile effort. So instead she continued to watch as the genasi bumped into the woman with a poorly hidden intent to spill the woman's papers and peruse their contents. 'Clumsy.' Miss Light thought to herself as she watched the genasi offer to buy the woman a drink.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Could Arkerym use the help action give Miss Light advantage on the History check?
Understood. Part one of my gripe is retracted.

@Gordian Nought
What typographic ruminations do your fingers possess regarding your character and Miss Light?

Can't say I'm 100% sure how your guy will fit in with the rest of the party. His support of the ban on fun would do nothing to ingratiate himself to the others. Nor will the fact that he isn't a clown.

Also, why did you use Mr. The One Piece Is Real! as a faceclaim for a guy you described as 'sickly and lanky'? That's pretty much the complete opposite of what the picture shows.
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