Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Not quite sure just yet.
Count me in.
I doubt the chores will be what she actually wants in exchange for something like what Brutrumukk is seeking.

I know that.
I wonder if the deal Brut made with the will-o the wisps will come back to bite him of he tries to make a deal with Bavlorna.

Brut promised the Wisps that he'd defeat Bavlorna. So long as he defeats her in the end, the prior promise he made shouldn't cause problems.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

So now that the party's splitting again, will we be doing things in the PMs like in Chapter One?
... does Prestidigitation work for drying things instantly?

It worked back at the carnival.

It didn't take long for Brutrumukk to notice that Jub was following him. The bugbear gnome felt the urge to hoist the goblin onto his shoulder, but he remembered a moment later that he was in no position to do that now. Brutrumukk's shoulders weren't as broad as they were before and he was barely strong enough to carry the backpack he was holding. Although the fact that it was completely drenched might have had something to do with that. "Oi oi, booyagh." Brutrumukk said as he held out the dripping wet backpack. "Me backpack's soaked. Don't suppose you know a spell to dry it quick?"
@Cao the Exiled
"I appreciate all you've done with guarding my weakened form, thank you".

"No need to thank us." One of the highwaymen said. "After what you did to help out during the attack, there was no way we could've just left you to it."

"It just occurred to me that I do not have any idea where my friends may be. Would you have any clue? I imagine somewhere where the consumption of alcohol is prevalent"

"At the very least they haven't left the camp yet." The other highwayman said. "The boss wouldn't let 'em go without payin' 'em. And I imagine they'd want to shop for a few supplies before leaving too. If that's where they are, you'll find them at the merchant stalls near where you first arrived at the campsite."

@Lurking Krog @XxFellsingxX @Guardian Angel Haruki

"How is Paxton fairing after the battle? He did not sustain to many or crippling injuries yes?"

"Through a combination of rest and healing magic, all of Paxton's injuries have been healed." Grocer answered Jørmund's question. Grocer then waited patiently as Aura arrived with the wagon and the party spoke among themselves. When Flicker announced their intention to purchase fresh ingredients, Grocer spoke up again. "If it is fresh ingredients you seek, this unit will have what you want." The warforged said before looking over at Cascade. "Furthermore, this unit has been told that you wish to purchase fruit? If that is so, then this unit will also have what you seek as well."

"You just cursed at the Goblinoid Gods. Do you really think they will let you go back to being any sort of goblinoid if they have anything to say about it?"

That question, more than anything else said by the party thus far, made Brutrumukk pause. Would the gods really not allow him to go back because of a handful of insults? Would he be doomed to spend the rest of his life as a gnome. And once he died, what then? Would the Infinite Battlefield still be the place his soul is drawn to? Or would he be brought to wherever gnome souls were sent to and have to go before whatever false gods the gnomes revered instead. Brutrumukk shuddered at the thought.

The bugbear gnome shook his head then to clear those dark thoughts from his mind. No. There was still a way back. There had to be. If the gods were truly angry about the insults, he'd know. Hruggek would have called down lightning. Grankhul would have struck him blind or dead. Maglubiyet certainly wouldn't have stopped at keeping Brutrumukk a gnome forever if he had actually been offended by the bugbear's gnome's cursing. And if even half the stories Brutrumukk's dad had told about the Eternal War were true, then Brutrumukk knew the gods wouldn't be so quick to throw him aside. They needed to keep up with the rapid growth of Gruumsh's horde after all.

Brutrumukk shook his head one more time to clear away the last lingering thoughts brought about be Zavakri's words. Once that was done, he looked once more across the lake to where Bavlorna's cottage lay. If what Zavakri said about the monkey having done all he could was true, then it probably wouldn't be able to help him turn back. Bavlorna though? The hag definitely had more magic than a monkey would hope to have. More than enough to turn Brutrumukk back if he was lucky. All he had to do was convince her to do so. But before he could, Brutrumukk would need to do those things she wanted done before she'd make a deal. Only trouble was that he'd forgotten what those thing were, so he'd have to go ask her what they were again. Which begged the question: How would he get back across the water?

The skiff that Brutrumukk rowed out on to fish was still out on the lake, no one had bothered rowing it back when fleeing the merrow, Opting to simply swim back to the shore. And since Brutrumukk wasn't keen on risking a second encounter with the merrow, he wasn't going to dip a single toe in the water if he could help it. "I need another boat." Brutrumukk said before looking around. After a moment, Brutrumukk spotted the dock that leads to D11. "That looks like as good a place as any to start lookin'." Brutrumukk declared before making his way over.
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