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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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@rush99999 Above board, the Witchlight Carnival is not going to have a way for Brutrumukk to become a bugbear again. ^^" Sorry, bud.

Alrighty then. Hag deal it is.
And Vertigo's been offline for the past three days.
So on her behalf... boop.

"Yeah, no. Fuck that. I ain't goin' through the rest o' this job as a gnome." Brutrumukk firmly denied Jub's solution. "If you lot wanna keep goin', that's fine by me. Just tell me what the way back to the Carnival is an' I'll catch up once I've fixed this."

"Gah!" Brutrumukk cried out as a backpack that was much heavier than he remembered it being made contact with him. All consideration of Aurora's words left the bugbear's gnome's mind as he felt the weight bearing down on his weakened arms. Another chance at life? This wasn't life. This was a fate worse than death. Brutrumukk would have thrown himself back to the monsters the moment he saw his reflection in the water if it weren't for the fact that he would have to face his gods again, only this time not as a bugbear and right after raging against them for laughing at Jub. As Aurora walked away, Brutrumukk looked to the remaining party members. "What's the way back to the Carnival at the 'ag's 'ut?" He asked them.
6 total. That's not gonna be enough I think.

Brutrumukk would gladly give you advantage with the help action.

"No! Fuck that! I ain't stayin' like this!" Brutrumukk exclaimed when Tsak declared his transformation permanent. "The monkey. If givin' 'im a button means 'e 'elps ya, then maybe 'e'll turn me back into a bugbear if I give 'im another button." Brutrumukk nodded to himself then, his destination set. "I need a button. An' a way back to the Witchlight Carnival." Brutrumukk declared. "...Does anyone 'ave either o' those things?"
Work has begun on a new DM post. Expect its completion before the week is out.
Can I roll something for Tsak to understand more what happened, reach out to her patron? (Playing BG3 has shown me how much we underlay the bond between a Warlock and patron)

Tsak's a warlock?

"Alright, I think everyone needs to take a moment and calm the fuck down," Jub called out to the group while placing a hand on Brutrumukk's shoulder.

"That's easy fer you to say!" The bugbear gnome exclaimed as he pulled his gaze away from his reflection and turned it towards Jub. "I've been turned into a fuckin' gnome!"

"Brut, It's not that bad." Jub began before pausing as he rightly realized that was the wrong thing to say.

"Not that bad? Not that bad?" Brutrumukk said. "I'm so fuckin' small! An' I feel so weak! An' I can't remember 'ow to sneak! Me swingin' arm won't swing as 'ard as it should! 'Ow the fuck do you think that this could be good?"

"There are far worse things you could have come back as... like a toad. Or a mushroom. Or a ant. Or a..." Jub said, pausing a moment to shake his head before continuing. "Just take my word for it: this is not the worst outcome by far."

"That don't mean I gotta like it!" Brutrumukk shot back. "An' I don't like it! I fuckin' 'ate it! This is awful! I'd do anything to be a bugbear again!" As those last words left his mouth, a look of realization crossed Brutrumukk's face. Slowly, he turned his head to look back across the lake. Back towards Bavlorna's cottage. "I'd do anything to be a bugbear again." Brutrumukk said with a determined tone of voice before looking over at "The 'ag. She wanted things done for 'er before she'd make a deal. What were they?".

I don't have anything left to add to this scene. Skobeloff's retreated into himself for the time being over the impact that the ritual he suggested had on Fogdance.
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