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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Since you haven't listed any prices in the shop hider, would I be correct in thinking that there are no visible price tags on the items for sale?
DM post up. Sorry for the wait.
@XxFellsingxX @Guardian Angel Haruki
As Flicker and Cascade shop, a sense of contentment came over them. Flicker's came from the purchase of the various foodstuffs they would later cook for the rest of the party. Cascade's came not from buying the fruit, but rather from making sure there was still a good amount of money left for Zephyr. Regardless of the source though, this feeling settled within them, as it had done so many times before, and became a mote of extra resolve or good fortune that they might call upon later when the need arose.

Grocer assisted the shoppers when requested and accepted payment when it was given. Once everything had been loaded into the chest, the warforged spoke to the whole party. "Your business is appreciated." It intoned with a slight nod of its head. "This unit wishes you well in your travels."

@Lurking Krog
Jørmund found nothing of interest in the crowd surrounding the immediate vicinity. But a good distance beyond the highwaymen and the former slaves working to clean up after the battle, Jørmund caught a glimpse of a figure. The figure was distant and facing away from him, but Jørmund could still pick up two details. The figure was feminine in form and holding a human skull.

@Cao the Exiled
At Plasm's words, the intellect devourer attempted to retreat further into the skull. As it did so, it began to transmit a telepathic broadcast, seemingly too panicked to will its message to only its intended recipient. 'Alert! Alert! Tricked! Trapped! Cornered! Capture imminent! Guidance requested! Alert! Alert!' No stranger to eldritch entities, Plasm knew that the intellect devourer was communicating with the illithid hivemind it was a part of.


Brutrumukk listened with interest as the darklings gave their prices. He was especially interested in the price of the incense. When he was a kid, Brutrumukk's mother often told tales at the gang's campfire. Some of these tales were of lycanthropes and their invincible power in battle. The darklings probably thought the whole 'curse that turns you into an evil, opportunistic creature that preys on the weak' thing was a steep sounding price. But to Brutrumukk - who already was an evil, opportunistic creature that preyed on the weak - that was like being paid to purchase something. The prices of the charcoal and the brazier sounded a bit steep though. However, Brutrumukk's gnomish mind got the sense that the brazier wasn't all that necessary anyway, and it also had an idea for how to get the charcoal without giving up memories.

"I'll take the pie, the clothes, an' the incense." The bugbear gnome said to the darklings. "Also, you darklings like art things, yeah?" Brutrumukk paused then as he reached behind him and untied the string binding the balloon tarrasque to his backpack. "What do you think o' this?" Brutrumukk asked as he presented the balloon tarrasque to the darklings. "Looks pretty artistic, don't it? Got a nice color an' it's shaped like a tarrasque an' everything. You reckon I could buy the charcoal with this rather than me best memory?"

Don't worry about the brazier. It isn't consumed by the spell and it doesn't have a required value, so you can replace that with your wand.

As for the charcoal, I have a plan.
They don’t use gold coins here. ;)

That they don't

Makes you wonder their casters do when the magic needs a component of a certain gold value though.
Chwegwn listened with curious interest as the Council Captains spoke of Council Captain business. From what they could hear, Chwegwn began to wonder if Kontina would be a safe place to stay for much longer. If this Desolator was dangerous enough to have Leadbelly Kira and Orohome worried, then she was definitely someone to be concerned about. Especially between all the Council Captains' talk of a potential attack and the losses it would bring. Then there was also talk of a star that the Desolator was looking for, and that it could manage the Desolator if someone reached it first.

"Why not the ones outside your door?" Orohome spoke then.

Sensing that those words were their cue, Chwegwn knocked on the door. With any luck, Kira would think they had just arrived and hadn't been listening at the door.

Would I be correct in thinking that when they mention 'the Captain' they are talking about Mandalthraxus?

Also, I've just noticed that you've been calling the spider vampire captain Orohome in our game but use the name Orohomi in your lore document.
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