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Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Though now looking at the various options, I am mildly sad he didn't think he was a wereraven. That would have been funny, both because they are lawful good and because it would be payback for all the threatening he made towards Kettlesteam all the way back in Chapter 1.

That would have indeed been fitting.

When he started thinking that he had become a weretiger.
Ah, now it's time to spin the roulette wheel that constitutes as Jub's moral compass and figure out whether he's going to try and stop this or not.

As a quick reminder, the darklings wanted to by Jub's firstborn. People who buy other people tend to not be good people.

Brutrumukk growled in pain when one darkling revealed that the two of them carried magical daggers. Then he snarled in frustration when a second light bolt was deflected by the other darkling. He wasn't ready to give up just yet though. Brutrumukk went on the defensive, focusing of dodging the darklings' blades. With any luck, the bolts would get through sooner or later. He just needed to hold out until then.

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Slight mix up on my end. I somehow got the names of the darklings the wrong way around. I meant to say Bauble, not Trinket.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Could I get a Con Save from Trinket please?
... bro, I still have to buy the herbs XD

No worries. You can just take them for free once the darklings are dead.

Brutrumukk let out a quiet grunt as the needle drew blood. But when he felt the lycanthropy begin to course through his veins, the bugbear gnome began to grin. He felt the strength he had lost return to him and then some. He felt the invincible power that the stories had spoken of. And he felt the spirit of the tiger within him, offering power in exchange for prey. Brutrumukk agreed to those terms without hesitation. Then he doubled over in pain. As he felt his body begin to change, Brutrumukk barely managed to grab on to the cloak that Jub had lent to him, pulling it off his rapidly expanding body and casting it back to the feet of its true owner. Brutrumukk then fell to his knees with a cry of pain that shifted into a bestial roar halfway through as his nails turned to claws and orange fur with black stripes sprouted from and obscured his hot pink skin.

Or that's what Brutrumukk thought happened anyway. In reality, he was still just a gnome and the delusion that the darklings had placed on him had simply made him think that he was changing.

With the 'transformation' complete, Brutrumukk rose to his feet a gnome 'no longer'. The 'weretiger' let out a delighted 'purr' before speaking for the first time in his 'hybrid form'. "Oh it feels good to 'ave fur again." Brutrumukk declared before fixing his gaze on the darklings who had made him this way. "Sorry, you two. But I can't 'ave you makin' anymore weretigers. This place ain't big enough fer more than one."

A moment after those words were spoken, a bolt of light shot out of his chest and struck one of the darklings. It didn't seem to have much of an effect though. Brutrumukk made a note to wonder about that when battle wasn't at hand, then charged the darklings. In his 'new lycanthropic form', he vaulted the counter with ease and brought a 'claw' down on the darkling that the light had flown towards. However, the darkling managed to evade the attack. "HRUGGEK!" Brutrumukk roared as battle commenced in earnest.

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Brutrumukk will be making use of his Magic Awareness feature. Until the end of his next turn, he knows the location of any spell or magic item within 60 feet of him that isn’t behind total cover. When he senses a spell, he learns which school of magic it belongs to.

Can he sense anything?
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