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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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@Guardian Angel Haruki

Would Brutrumukk get any AC bonus for using Bauble as a shield?

Brutrumukk let loose a furious roar as Trinket cast the herbs into the lake. A light bolt launched from his chest that sailed towards Trinket. And as Trinket deflected with their mirror, Brutrumukk lunged for Bauble. The darkling tried to ward the 'weretiger' off with their dagger, but Brutrumukk easily disarmed the already weakened darkling with a swipe up his 'claws'. As the dagger fell down onto the floor, Brutrumukk grabbed Bauble by the neck and lifted the darkling up into the air. As he strangled his helpless prey, Brutrumukk rounded on Trinket with a menacing grin.

"I 'ave a gift fer you. One I'm sure that you will love." Brutrumukk declared, reigning in his intense desire for bloodshed just enough to loosen his grip on Bauble's neck when the Darkling passed out from a lack of air. "It's the gift o' me not drownin' you like I'm about to drown this one 'ere. Now don't you think that's just the loveliest gift what you've ever gotten? O' course, now the Rule 'o Recipe City says you 'ave to gimme a gift in return. An' I would very much like the gift o' you goin' into that water an' gettin' those 'erbs back."

A big black balloon floats over the lake, tugging at its moorings.

They then throw the herbs into the ocean nearby.

A lake that is also an ocean? The Feywild is a truly strange place indeed.
So, yeah. 5 would take out Bauble. Is this strike to kill or just knock them unconscious.

This is a KO, not a kill.
Then in that case...5 would not be enough. Bauble would still be standing after that, but just barely.

Wasn't Bauble the one that took 10 damage from Jub's Magic Missile though?
If you are, the attack would be at disadvantage because they took the Dodge Action.

That would be true... were it not for the fact that Brutrumukk is making a Reckless Attack.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Would 5 points of damage be enough to knock Bauble out?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Con Save for Trinket please.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Can I make an attack of opportunity on the herbs?
Although come to think of it, we're probably lucky he didn't think he'd turned into some sort of flying werebeast. Or aquatic werebeast. Imagine him trying to fly or breath under water, not realising he hasn't actually gained wings or gills.

I have no doubt that such a thing would have ended in disaster.
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