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Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
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9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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@Lurking Krog

With a Natural 20, Jørmund can perceive things about more than just the boy's blade.

Starting with the initial query, the scimitar is one of the most well made blades he has ever seen. So much so, especially in the possession of a child, that Jørmund can quickly deduce that there is a supernatural quality to it.

Jørmund also notices this same supernatural quality present in the boy's javelins, chain shirt, and shield.

Another detail that Jørmund notices about the scimitar is that there looks to be some sort of iron coin set into the center of the cross guard. There appears to be some sort of image on the coin, but it is too small and too far away to make out properly.

Finally, Jørmund notices an unsettling detail about the boy's clothing. While much of the leather comprising it has been dyed, the trim has been left uncolored. Something about the way the leather naturally looks has some morbid part of Jørmund's mind thinking that that is what humanoid skin would look like if put through the same process that turns animal pelts into leather.
Perception check please.
"And if it does what is it to you."

"To me? Not much." Gorgash said with a relaxed shrug and a smile that displayed to all that he felt little concern for how tense the party had become. "To you though? More than you might think."

"I'm a little confused, what's going on?"

"What's goin' on is that this lot 'it the Jackpot." Gorgash declared. "Ms. Midnight's as generous as she is lazy. Steamroll a few cultists for 'er an' she'll bury you up to yer neck in coin. An' that's just the start. If you picked up those three weird things what Ms. Midnight leaves behind with the money and what no normal shopkeep'll touch with a ten foot pole, don't worry 'bout the fact that you can't flog the things what ain't already useful. Sooner or later, you'll meet a shopkeep what ain't so normal. When you do..." Gorgash paused as something beyond the window nearest the front door caught his attention and soured his expression. "Oh great." Gorgash growled in annoyance just before the door gets kicked open.

Into the inn stepped a human boy of no more than ten years of age. A scimitar hung from his hip, a basket of javelins was strapped to his back, a spiked metal shield was fitted to his forearm, and each step he took produced the telling jingle of a chain shirt hidden beneath his supple leather clothing. At the boy's passing, a few of the inn's patrons sitting nearest the door got up and left in a hurry.

"He's back. A patron seated at a table within hear shot of the party said fearfully. "The Bad Seed of the Sapphire Lake Hamlets is back."

"Bring me my usual!" The boy barked before turning towards the party's table, scowling as he saw it occupied, and began walking towards them.

"You should move, you're sitting in his favorite spot." The patron that had spoken before spoke again, this time to the party. "You can have my table if you like. I'm just about done with my meal anywa-"

"Save yer breath." Gorgash interrupted the frightened bystander. "Gorgash Grim-Tusk doesn't budge fer no one. Least of all fer 'im."
As an update for everyone here, next month I am getting married and honeymooning in Japan. Therefor for ~2-3 weeks I'll be substantially less present and in a different time zone.

I hope the +2 AC bonus comes in handy during that first week.

What's Fogdance doing as all of this is happening? Does it look like she's waiting her turn to speak up about anything she went through? Does it look like she's planning on speaking of it when there aren't so many others around? Does it look like she's going to stay quiet about everything?

"Nothing out of the ordinary on my end." Skobeloff chimed in quickly, only half paying attention to the conversation as he studied Heliotrope and her workplace for insights he could use for his own ends in the future.

Took a little while longer than I would have liked, but the DM post is up. Now for some OOC stuff.

Surprise! It turns out your 5 was enough to get you something after all.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
Cascade's Natural 20 nets her the following information regarding Gruumsh:

Gruumsh, also known as 'He Who Watches' and 'the Ruiner', is the orc god of storms and war and is the undisputed ruler of the orc pantheon. He created the orcs at the beginning of time. But when he tried to find a place for them in the world, he discovered that everywhere had already been clamed by the races of other gods. When those gods then laughed at him over it, Gruumsh flew into a rage and declared that the orcs' place in the world would be as its destroyers. At some point after that, Gruumsh got into a fight with Corellon Larethian, the ruler of the elven pantheon. The fight ended inconclusively, with Gruumsh missing an eye and the first elves to ever exist rising from the blood that had been shed by a heavily wounded Corellon.

Gruumsh and the rest of the orc gods are said to reside on the Infinite Battlefield of Acheron, where the Ruiner's designs on the total destruction of the world have been halted by the pantheon's forces being engaged in the Eternal War against Maglubiyet and the forces of the goblinoid pantheon.

Gruumsh has laid out three standing commandments that he expects all orcs to follow.
• Ruin. Conquer. Kill.
• The weak exist to be crushed by the strong. Be the strong.
• There are no emotions but fury and joy. The rest are weakness.

Gruumsh differs from other gods in that he does not accept all comers when it comes to worship. While many orcs worship Gruumsh regardless, only orcs that have performed great feats of strength and ferocity in war are permitted to be true worshippers of Gruumsh. Those orcs that are chosen to be inducted into the ranks of Gruumsh's true followers receive a powerful vision or dream that signifies their acceptance. While this alone leaves the orc in question marked for great things, an even higher honor awaits those orcs who willingly gouge out one of their own eyes during this communion. Those who do become Eyes of Gruumsh, one of the most highly esteemed positions within orc society.

Gruumsh often communicates with orcs on the Material Plane through the use of omens. There is a lone orc seated at a nearby table. The setting sun shines through a nearby window and into the orc's eyes. According to orcish tradition, this in an omen from Gruumsh that marks the orc as a former true worshiper of He Who Watches. Few orcs that break from bring a true worshipper of Gruumsh survive doing so for very long.
"So, care to recount whatever epic tale you have to spin about why you are so welcomed here?"

At those words, an eager grin formed on Gorgash's face. "Of course!" He happily obliged and with a glint of what the more passively insightful party members and those who were actively using their insight would discern to be expectant eagerness. "There's a tower about three miles north by northwest of this inn. A few months back, a small group o' cultists moved in an' started attackin' travelers on the King's Road. At one point they even attacked the inn itself, I 'appened by about a day later an' took a job to clear out the tower. When I got there I found ten cultists an' two fanatics waitin' fer me. Strange thing was though that the fanatics didn't fight, they just watched me carve through their underlings like it was all some kinda show to 'em. Once I was done with the cultists, I 'ad planned on on showin' the fanatics that I weren't no dancin' monkey. But before I could, that was when I met Ms. Midnight."

By now, Gorgash's friendly smile had morphed into a knowing grin. "This ring any bells to you lot?" He asked.

While Gorgash had told his story, Rala's distrust of the people in the inn had compelled her to view her surroundings with an insightful eye. Though she found noting of suspicion, she did notice another orc sitting nearby. One that was listening to the story with a look on his face that suggested the tale was ringing a few bells for him as well.
Sorry for the wait. Things have been somewhat hectic on my end. I'll have a DM post up before midnight GMT.
Careful. It might contain spoilers.
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