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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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I apologize I wasn't able to find an alternate DM map to give the numbers. ^^"

5etools has a full page dedicated to maps. Including a DM map of Downfall.

Brutrumukk will be readier to go along with this plan than you think. Since the fight is pretty clearly going south, Skiggaret will be taking the wheel and sounding the retreat. If Jub's spell looks like it would provide a way out, Brut will go along with it.

BTW, don't forget about the wings. Why run when you can fly?
If my calculations are correct, then Brutrumukk is now at 4 HP.

I think they may be off by one. Brut's at 5 according to DiceCloud.
It becomes even funnier with the knowledge that the transition from marching tune to circus music happened within the composer's lifetime.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

With an Insight roll of 15, Cascade is able to break through all that attitude, bluster, and equipment to find that there is nothing scared about this little kid. He is thoroughly corrupt and rotten to the core. In fact, the vibes this boy is giving off feel surprisingly more like the kind given off by goblins than the kind given off by children.

"So... these side effects..." Skobeloff spoke up then, looking a little uneasy after hearing Heliotrope speak on the matter. "Do we just have to worry about that in the simple spells or would they also appear in the more complicated stuff as well? Because on the tail end of the mission we've just come from, we performed a moon magic ritual to heal the heart of the island we were on before we left. Could we have done something to the island that we didn't intend to do or something like that?"
Of course.
The Chwegwn body speaking with the attendant listened intently to the words and nodded in understanding once the odds had been given. In all truthfulness though, Chwegwn actually had no understanding of gambling odds at all aside from the fact that the number on the left was what you could win if you bet the number on the right. "Alright then." The Goblin's body said. "I'll put three talents on Edvard, two talents on Iruulan, and one talent on Cold Hands."
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